On Feb 19, 2011, at 2:16 PM, Bhairitu wrote:

> It doesn't divide the mind.  It is part of a lot of other traditions and 
> helps for developing nirvikalpha samadhi (known elsewhere as UC).  We 
> teach this in my tradition even with the technique for the general 
> public.  However it is an "adjunct" to the usual sitting with eyes 
> closed in meditation.

Yeah, IME the opposite is the case, it unifies inward consciousness with 
outward consciousness. After one has some success in eye-closed samadhi 
(nimilanasamadhi), one then works on practices which help one discover 
consciousness vibrating as the external world via eyes-opened samadhi 
(unmilanasamadhi). Then you have to gain the recognition that both are one and 
the same. That's "bhairavi-mudra", being "inside" while gazing "outside".

"By penetrating into Bhairavimudra, the yogi observes the vast totality of 
beings rising from, and dissolving into the Sky of Consciousness, like a series 
of reflections appearing and disappearing inside a mirror..."

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