> How about some Truth in Definition:
What "Truth"? A definition must of necessity
be beyond function and must be applicable in
all circumstances, with no exception.

> How do you "divide the mind"?
Is there a physiological correlate to "mind". 

The "gunas" in Indian literature are said to 
belong to the sphere of physical events and
objects of perception, not to notions of the 
individual soul-monad. There's no "mind" in 
Sankhya dualism. The three gunas are the 
constituents of nature, not of any mental
imaginings or metaphysics.

According to Patanjali, one should practice
one-pointed attention in order to reach 
*isolation* from the prakriti. No amount of
mumbling magical phrases composed of some
meaningless gibberish is going to bring anyone 
closer to yogic realization. 

You burn off your accumulated karma with tapas, 
not with mental posturing.

"Success in yoga comes from practice, not by
adopting a particular kind of clothing." 
- Hatha Yoga Pradapika

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