Wiki is all right to start but rarely to finish.

Yes, dala means petal. So are you taking lessons now from Billy? I'm
delighted to determine that we are merely mechanical automatons with
wheels-a-plenty, leaves on trees and mantras written in fine filigree on
the petals of the flowers that cover those trees.

Even better, we can depend upon Vyasa when he describes the "fixing
on a place" (desha-bandha) of the chitta, which must mean what we
mean by "mind", right? The same for dharana on
the"heart" which is "like" a downward-pointing lotus
flower in the pond at night before the sun arises in the morning.

Why ... even "the mind" can be divided now, at least when doing some of
that terribly dangerous "japa" ... right?

Hmmm … it is just so obvious, is it not?


--- In, blusc0ut <no_reply@...> wrote:
> --- In, "emptybill" emptybill@ wrote:
> >
> >
> > FYI ...
> >
> > Sahasra + ara = sahasrāra or sahasraara
> >
> > sahasra = 1000
> >
> > ara = a radii or a wheel spoke
> >
> >
> > Therefore ... sahasrāra or sahasraara literally means a
> > radii or spokes, which was why it was chosen for the crown chakra or
> > "wheel".
> >
> > OTOH ...
> >
> >
> > Sahasrada =
> >
> > Yadu had five sons, Sahasrada ... blah blah ...
> > Sahasrada's descendents were the Haihaya-s, among the most famous
> > Kartyavirya Arjuna. Arjuna's great deeds were his defeat and
> > imprisionment of Ravana, king of Lanka.
> >
> >
> > **************************************************
>  Yes, but its also called sahasradala, as the WP aricle shows:
> In the Vedas and late Upanishads: Akasha Chakra, Kapalasamputa,
Sahasradala, Sahasrara, Sahasrara Kamala (Pankaja or Padma), Sthana,
Wyoma, Wyomambuja
> I probably contracted Sahasrara with Sahasradala.

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