On Apr 10, 2011, at 10:28 PM, Sal Sunshine wrote:

In my case, it specifically refers to the fact that he was directly responsible for encouraging people to take an ayurvedic approach to life threatening diseases, and then these same people died because of that "enlightened" advice.

Vaj, do you really believe this makes MMY "guilty" of
something?  What, specifically?  Giving dumb advice?

- Giving medical advice without a license, resulting in death. And then sometimes collecting the money owed from these failed, overpriced Ayurvedic interventions from the deceased greaving families.

- psychological and neurological damage from over-meditation and unregulated meditation practice. This has been talked of repeatedly and in considerable detail here before: from Saraswati yogins who've diagnosed Sidhas with terrible meditational diseases (yes, there are classes of meditational disorders) and the "Merv wave" which resulted in a huge influx of whigged out TMers to psychiatric hospitals (e.g. New York City), are just two examples that come to mind.

Were these people forcibly kept from seeing doctors?
Or was it their choice on what advice to take or not take?
It doesn't take a genius to figure out that some
crappy-looking concoction made from cow dung
(amongst other things) probably won't cure any
life-threatening illnesses.  Or any other kind.
I took one look at that junk and said, "Forget it."
The people who took such "advice" were still
responsible for their own decisions.

He was looked at as a wise, all-knowing, "enlightened" figure. Little did people know that once the giggling once slipped off the stage, he was screwing young students and switched into a gruff businessman. It was all an act.

Nor did many know he wasn't the enlightened figure he presented himself as. He was not authorized by his own teacher (quite the opposite) and his own teachings are different from those taught by his teacher. Indeed M's teachings are often in direct conflict with Swami Brahmananda's teachings. The TM puja is actually derived from a scholar/student of Guru Dev's poetry, which SBS told Mahesh to destroy.

He did not, but instead repurposed it.

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