Life is very complicated, and very threatening,
for Barry.

--- In, turquoiseb <no_reply@...> wrote:
> [ Replying to what I can see in Message View, which
> was all I needed to see to know what's in the post.  :-) ]
> --- In, "authfriend" <jstein@> wrote:
> >
> > Actually it was a minor point as far as I was
> > concerned, just a consequence of my amazement
> > at how inadequate your analyses of Barry's and
> > Vaj's posts ...
> <heavy sarcasm, with a soupçon of derisive humor>
> Judy is a scratched record, replaying the same cut
> over and over and over and over and over and over.
> Having been told several times now by Curtis that he
> has no intention of falling for her "I can't diss
> Vaj and Barry directly because they don't bother to
> read my posts and might miss my stinging insults, so
> I'm going to try to get Curtis to fall for discussing
> them so I can diss them while pretending to be having
> a conversation with him, in the hope that they'll
> read his posts and thus read my insults there" act,
> Judy ignores what Curtis has said and runs the same
> number yet again.
> Judy should be GRATEFUL that Curtis bothers to talk
> to her at all. He's said *clearly* that in his opinion
> any discussion in which she "goes off" on Vaj and me is
> not worth his time because it degenerates into noise
> as she gets progressively nastier and nastier. Others,
> recently including Rick, Joe, and wayback, have said
> the same thing, begging her to stop. And yet Judy
> keeps trying to run the same old tired routine.
> Obsession must be a stone bitch to live with. Think
> how tough it must be going through life with only one
> thing that you can talk about.  :-)
> <\heavy sarcasm, with a soupçon of derisive humor>

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