Excellent points, Sal. Kudos.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Sal Sunshine <salsunshine@...> wrote:
> On Apr 10, 2011, at 6:28 PM, Vaj wrote:
> > In my case, it specifically refers to the fact that
> > he was directly responsible for encouraging people
> > to take an ayurvedic approach to life threatening
> > diseases, and then these same people died because of 
> > that "enlightened" advice.
> Vaj, do you really believe this makes MMY "guilty" of 
> something?  What, specifically?  Giving dumb advice?
> Were these people forcibly kept from seeing doctors?
> Or was it their choice on what advice to take or not take?
> It doesn't take a genius to figure out that some 
> crappy-looking concoction made from cow dung
> (amongst other things) probably won't cure any
> life-threatening illnesses.  Or any other kind.
> I took one look at that junk and said, "Forget it."
> The people who took such "advice" were still
> responsible for their own decisions.
> > Even in general, he characterized western medicine as
> > poison, probably affecting many indirectly via general
> > advice. Similarly with TM and TMSP where numerous folks
> > have committed suicide, suffered psychosis or even where
> > entire courses appear to have had psychotic breaks. Some
> > ex-Sidhas have Tourettes like damage and symptoms to
> > this day.
> Well, presumably nothing is keeping them from
> seeking medical help (if they haven't). And from
> what little I know, many of the people on THP
> or MD are well-off enough to have their own
> insurance.  I personally think the TMO should
> have a group policy, but they knew the score 
> when they signed up.

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