On Apr 11, 2011, at 2:19 PM, Sal Sunshine wrote:

> On Apr 11, 2011, at 7:31 AM, Vaj wrote:
>>>> n my case, it specifically refers to the fact that he was directly 
>>>> responsible for encouraging people to take an ayurvedic approach to life 
>>>> threatening diseases, and then these same people died because of that 
>>>> "enlightened" advice.
>>> Vaj, do you really believe this makes MMY "guilty" of 
>>> something?  What, specifically?  Giving dumb advice?
>> - Giving medical advice without a license, resulting in death.
> If people asked him, he wasn't breaking any laws in 
> stating his opinion.  Do you need a license now to
> have opinions?

To them he wasn't merely stating an opinion, it was the word, the promise of an 
omniscient sage. 

Practicing medicine without a license is a fairly serious charge.

>> And then sometimes collecting the money owed from these failed, overpriced 
>> Ayurvedic interventions from the deceased greaving families.
> What exactly do you mean by "collecting the money owed from these failed, 
> overpriced Ayurvedic interventions from the deceased greaving families"?

After he assured the follower, typically someone with a terminal illness, they 
would have expensive Maharishi Ayurvedic treatments. The patient of course was 
lied too and eventually died, but still had outstanding bills. SO the Maharishi 
would send his thugs around to collect from the still greaving families.

This is news to you?

> Did he go around to their houses after the funerals with 
> a cup and a bell or something?  You're starting to sound
> pretty silly, Vaj.

The collectors showed up at their home.

>> - psychological and neurological damage from over-meditation and unregulated 
>> meditation practice.
> Over-meditation?  What on earth does that mean?  

Mediating beyond what's healthy for a given individual. We're all different 
after all.

> And It's all "unregulated."

Without attention to whether one should be meditating, what type, what 
duration, etc.

For example, someone who is depressed may not do well with less exposure to 
light. Keeping your eyes closed for long periods of time can worsen depression 
or lead to suicidal ideation, etc.

>> This has been talked of repeatedly and in considerable detail here before:
> And I've pointed out how nonsensical I've thought
> it before.

Well then take it up with the families. Tell them "bone up and cough up the 
dough!", "get a spine and some common sense!" "The Maharishi was a great saint, 
they just weren't being pure sattvic in their lifestyle obviously!"

>> He was looked at as a wise, all-knowing, "enlightened" figure.
> Who cares how he was "looked at"?  Did
> these people not have functioning brains?
>> Little did people know that once the giggling once slipped off the stage, he 
>> was screwing young students and switched into a gruff businessman. It was 
>> all an act.
> Which has, of course, nothing to do with 
> the discussion.

Duplicity in many areas of life has a lot to do with his illness IMO.

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