On Apr 11, 2011, at 5:36 PM, Sal Sunshine wrote:

>>> If people asked him, he wasn't breaking any laws in 
>>> stating his opinion.  Do you need a license now to
>>> have opinions?
>> To them he wasn't merely stating an opinion, it was the word, the promise of 
>> an omniscient sage. 
> Since when does magical thinking make someone
> else responsible for that person's decisions?

Unfortunately, I doubt HH the Maharishi thought he using magical thinking, nor 
did his students. They expected a cure--and acted accordingly--costing them 
their lives and/or a peaceful transition.

>> Practicing medicine without a license is a fairly serious charge.
> Of course it would be.  But if giving an opinion when asked
> constitutes "practicing medicine without a license"
> we should all be in jail.  Vaj, no offense or anything,
> but in your zeal to accuse MMY of something, anything,
> I think you're sort of losing it here.

That's just it, I don't feel any great, imagined "zeal". These are just facts, 
and old news, for me.

When I hear it coming from former prominent students and his personal 
physician, I'm sorry, I stop and take notice. I consider him responsible for 
these people's deaths--as do many others.

I hope you eventually get to talk to these people as I have. Then you'll be 
singing a different tune.

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