--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Yifu" <yifuxero@...> wrote:
> Right! Looks to me that Vaj hates TM, for one reason or another. (re: 
> somebody else's comment that he doesn't hate it).
>  Why?, possibly, out of jealousy.

        I doubt that.  I still do TM, but really, what's to be jealous of about 
TM or the TMO?  Lot's of nasty stuff coming out about MMY and the org - and 
much poor quality research.  An organization in which the average age is 
continuing to rise since few new people learn.  Many more people are interested 
in Buddhism and various mindfulness techniques these days - it is much more 
mainstream than TM and has many really together  scientists and therapists 
advocating for it, and doing so while speaking plain old English without TM 
like jargon.  They teach mindfulness in hospitals nationwide.

        I think Vaj genuinely believes that TM, MMY and  the siddhis are not 
legit in the sense that the tradition from which MMY came does not honor MMY, 
there is no understanding of how to help someone grow if they encounter some 
difficulties, and he thinks the whole technique is suspect.  He seems to feel 
that TM can produce some significant problems for many people - and it may be 
having people close to him seriously injured while doing TM that is motivating 

       However, some of what he objects to in TMO is the same crap that you 
find in just about any spiritual organization, including Buddhism.   It's the 
nature of the beast and of human nature. Power, sex, money, groupies, needing 
to convince others of your way, idealizing the teacher and putting your own 
common sense on hold, etc etc. And he sometimes compares TM with Buddhism when 
the comparison can't be made - since he holds up Buddhism as the template and 
then points out where TM doesn't measure up. 

Also, his actions are inconsistent with Buddhism since according to the 
"Expedient Means" chapter of the Lotus Sutra, Buddhists should use any 
expedient means to assist people in getting extricated from the clutches of 
material existence. TM is simply another expedient means, which people are not 
forced to practice; nor are people forced to take the Ayurvedic products.
> ...
> I can easily envision the day when large numbers of Buddhists embrace the 
> practice of TM. It's completely compatible with any religion, or no religion.
> ...
> http://www.fantasygallery.net/hampton/art_6_FireElemental.html
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend" <jstein@> wrote:
> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj <vajradhatu@> wrote:
> > <snip> 
> > > He keeps low on the radar since. Indians need to be extra
> > > careful if they're still in India or have family there.
> > 
> > More of the same crap, only worse, because he's made it so
> > nonspecific you can't call him on it or ask for documentation.
> > 
> > What he wants you to *infer* is that the doctor is afraid he
> > or his family will be hurt or killed by evil TMO forces in
> > retaliation.
> > 
> > How is this not the tactic of a hater?
> >

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