On Sun, May 1, 2011 at 10:57 PM, authfriend <jst...@panix.com> wrote:

> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Tom Pall <thomas.pall@...> wrote:
> >
> > On Sun, May 1, 2011 at 12:37 PM, authfriend <jstein@...> wrote:
> > >
> > > I did a search for "+transcendental meditation +2099" and
> > > found one such site here:
> > >
> > > http://goldendome.org/
> > >And nobody ever said the TMO hadn't claimed that taking
> the TM-Sidhis course would enable you to fly etc. anyway.
> That's Barry's fantasy, and a pretty dumb one at that,
> given that this was the big attraction of the course in
> the first place.
Yes, that is the picture.  But in the OFFICIAL WEBSITE I remember, the
picture occupied the top left of the site and there were no disclaimers.
The website was definitely not as busy as this one and the drawing occupied
a lot more real estate on the page, like about a quarter of it.

As far as being able to do magical sidhis, I am not making it up.  Candy
Borlan, Ph.D. (Experimental Psychology, University of Texas at Austin) of
the Houston TM center told us on a CAC prep course in Galveston that indeed
she was the CB of Texas USA in the big something something Enlightenment
book, that she had the flowing gold experience often even though she was
busy teaching the sidhis on the 6 month course and often didn't get a chance
to meditate.  I swear once again that she told us that MERU gave away
masters and ph.d. degrees to people who demonstrated the sidhis.  The
testers would put an object in a box and the testee (BTW, testify, test and
the like come from the ancient Roman requirement to swear on one's testes,
so I guess only Jane Hopsin and her bevy of feminazis could be tested this
way) would use their sidhis to tell what was in the box.  Two correct
answers got you a masters in SCI, three correct answers got you a ph.d. in
SCI.  We had diplomas of masters in SCI hanging up in the office of the
Houston Capital of the Age of Enlightenment (the one on Westheimer, on the
second floor, above the meat market, halfway between River Oats and the
Galleria) from MEMU which I was told were earned by governors via the "see
what's in the box" test.   Candy further told us to look up exotic fruits
and berries in the encyclopedia, perform our sense sidhis on them once we
learned them then go buy the items in the fancy fruit store in River Oaks to
verify that the fruit and berries tasted, looked and smelled just as we had
experienced with the sidhis.   There was a very big mystique about governors
when they returned about the super normal powers they possessed.  The
returning governors played along with this charade and many implied that
they could read our minds.   Finally a citizen sidha I knew spilled the
beans to close associates:  at most he got flavors of awareness and saw
Consciousness as this stuff containing unmanifest seeds.  No flying, no see
what's in the box, no mind reading.

So while there may only have been a short term official website showing the
stages of crawling, walking and flying, there was a shared fantasy that
lasted quite a number of years.  The website was a decade after the mystique

Anyone know if there's a way to google the Wayback Machine?  IIRC the
Wayback machine does not archive pictures so that might not even help.

> > BTW, in those days, TMO websites weren't particularly
> > golden and didn't require special spy on you plug ins
> > for your browser.   The TMO was just discovering
> > the Internet and wasn't exploiting streaming or VOIP.

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