--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "curtisdeltablues" <curtisdeltablues@...> 
> MIU anti-saint?  WTF!
> Let's recap the "teaching".  All humans have an innate 
> capacity to reach the ground of all being, the home of 
> all the laws of nature, the source of thought, the Self 
> in a simple natural, innocent way. Through repeated 
> exposure to this level of life alternated by activity 
> consisting of speaking in a soft lilting voice and 
> eating mountains of celebration cake ...


> ...you stabilize this state of consciousness into a 
> permanent state where you are functioning according to 
> all the laws spontaneously due to the need of the time 
> or in accordance with the dictates of movement lawyers. 
> But if you claim to have gotten there some other way 
> than TM then you are to be shunned?  Even if you claim 
> to have gotten there through TM you can't put out a 
> shingle that says "I know some stuff you really aught 
> to know, but Maharishi didn't have time to lay on us" 
> you are gunna get in trouuuuuuble.
> Sometimes I wonder if the movement believes its own rap.
> This suspicion of any other system based on the implied 
> arrogance of TM being the best, highest, whateverest 
> technique was totally pervasive when I taught.  

While all of this is true, there is another paradigm
in place now. "Not only is what Maharishi taught during
his lifetime the best, highest, whateverest teaching
ever, *it's all you ever need to learn*."

There will never be any new "teachings" of techniques
from the TMO. And everyone knows it. 

There is no one that anyone would trust to come up with
anything new. 

So this new paradigm becomes a default. You have to 
somehow sell the existing TBs on believing it, and on
continuing to believe it for the rest of their lives,
otherwise you risk them going to "other vendors" to
supplement what they learned from Maharishi. 

Can't have that.

And since no one in the TMO has the believability or
charisma to sell *that*, even to the TBs, they resort
to punishment instead. Make it a "mortal sin" (punish-
able by excommunication) to visit other vendors. Come
up with a dogma that suggests that not only is it Off
The Program to "cheat" on Maharishi by "seeing other
teachers," it's somehow an insult to his memory, even
though he's...uh...dead.

The bottom line of this policy is, "We have nothing
more we can teach you. We will *never* have anything
more we can teach you, because the source of our
teachings is now pushing up lotuses in the Ganges.
But we will punish you severely if you dare to visit
anyone who *does* have anything new they can teach

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