On Jul 9, 2011, at 1:40 PM, cardemaister wrote:

>> Vaj:
>>> It's actually nothing like TM. Within a couple of 
>>> weeks Shamatha meditators were transcending for many 
>>> hours at a time.
> Pray tell, what is your proof of that?

The experience reports came back pretty soon after the retreats ended. In fact, 
I'm pretty sure they were shared here, shortly thereafter.

For some of the participants, they were in singular meditation sessions of 
around twelve hours, every day.

It also jives with my own experience with TM and leaving TM as a practice. 
Shortly after finding a more efficient technique, my sitting practice went from 
thirty-five minutes to three to three and a half hours, without a break. Just 
decide, and go. It's easy. ;-)

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