You are wasting our time Vag.

You are also obviously afraid to answer those five questions.
I guess we should expect anyone who is a fake like you to ardently
refuse to answer questions about their background under any

Your claim, though, that I practice "ceremonial magic" is quite funny
and actually proves my point. When the Lama first came to my house and
saw my traditionally carved Shiva-Lingam (not a Namadeshvara Lingam) he
pointed to it and said ... "original tantra, very powerful".

However , ceremonial magic cannot be equated with performance of Maha
Rudra Abhishekam,  which is what I do know how to do.

Contrarily, ceremonial magic must be your actual background and is
apparently all that you really know how to do.

As for "state of least excitation" this means reduction of the
functioning of "rajo-guna".

sattvam laghu praaa'shakam
i.s.tam upa.s.tambhakalm calam ca raja.h
guru vara.naka eva tama.h
pradipavac caa'rthato .vritth.i
(Sankhya Karika, 13)

  Sattva is considered to be bouyant and illuminating Rajas is exiting
and mobile,
and Tamas is only heavy and enveloping. Like a lamp their function is to
gain an end.

To repeat what you failed to understand:

"The words sama-dhi and sam-aa-dhi are different in meaning. Sama-dhi is
not a cognate for Shamataa either."

To equate these two terms is to indubitably demonstrate your shallow,
hackney stance.

As far as being a practicing "Greek Orthodox Christian" this
also is quite funny. You are just so shallow you barely construct three
planes trying to be so upright. What a joke you are. Of course, if I
understood Modern Greek I might have done better with them. One of their
priests tried to set me up one time for a marriage with one of them. She
was really a knock out but I just don't like manipulating priests.
Later I saw how extraordinary it would be … but it was too late.
Then again once you become Greek Orthodox there is no turning back. It
is like the Mafia.

As are you. So who is your Lama? Who are your gurus?

Answer the simple questions. Or are you just a fake?

--- In, Vaj <vajradhatu@...> wrote:
> On Jul 9, 2011, at 8:25 PM, emptybill wrote:
> > You're just a bullshit con here, Vag.
> Thanks for the ad hominem, it add SO much to already non-existent
> > The words sama-dhi and sam-aa-dhi are different in meaning. Sama-dhi
is not a cognate for Shamataa either.
> >
> In Sanskrit, meaning is often contextual. So meaning may not remain
consistent amoung differing contexts.
> In the context here, mental quiesence, the meaning in regards to Path
are perfectly apropos. It's the View (drsti) that varies.
> > Vag: "But such confusion is common in TM teachers like yourself."
> >
> > This is not an argument but rather the sputtering of your
pathetically obsessive mind spouting its pre-defined claims. Calmness is
not the same as "state of least excitation".
> >
> The state of least excitation? Now you're jumping to physics? You lost
me dude. I was talking about mental activity in meditation, not physics.
> In TM the buzzword I remember is "settling". It does have a well-known
Sanskrit equivalent.
> "During Transcendental Meditation the mind settles down to a silent,
yet fully awake, state of awareness -- pure consciousness." (
> It's an important myth TM students are indoctrinated in. Many actually
believe(d) it!
> > Better than more of your bullshit, how about the truth -
> >
> > 1. Who are your gurus?
> >
> > 2. What is your sampradaya?
> >
> > 3. You claim to be a Nath. Who is your guru?
> >
> > 4. You claim to practice Shri Vidya. This is a very precise
practice. Who initiated you into the sadhana and who explained and
trained you how to perform it properly?
> >
> > 5. You claim to be a dzogchenpa. Who is your instructing Lama? Since
you say you practice Long-de who gave you the teachings?
> >
> >
> Non-sequitur - filled with more lies. And really none of your business
- esp. for a slimeball like yourself, who takes in the occasional
weekend dharma retreats in KC, while practicing ceremonial magic,
claiming also to be a practicing Greek Orthodox Christian and who knows
what else? Try to stay on topic.

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