Hahahahaha! Those are great! Thanks for sharing!

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb <no_reply@...> wrote:
> I thought I'd ask the question, since the subject of
> humor or the lack thereof along spiritual paths is still
> on my mind. There was a time, back before fun was declared
> Off The Program, when funny TMO stories abounded. Here are 
> two of mine, both puja-related. Neither happened to me, but
> they are funny. At least to me.
> In the first incident, a male TM teacher was initiating a
> female student, and at the part of the puja where one waves
> a little dish of flaming camphor around. A fiery piece of
> the camphor fell out of the dish and onto the larger tray
> in which he'd placed his entire supply of camphor. A wall
> of flame erupted from the tray, several feet high. Thinking 
> quickly, he looked around the room and found a large empty 
> flower pot, which he upended over the flaming tray and the 
> now-scorched white tablecloth, continued the puja, and 
> instructed the student. At the end of her first meditation, 
> he said "Slowly open the eyes," and then "It was good?," or
> whatever it was that we were supposed to say.
> She replied, "Yes, the meditation itself was good, but I
> found myself thinking about when you made the table explode 
> into flame. Could we do that part again?"
> The second incident also involves a male TM teacher and
> a female student, in this case a very attractive one. She
> arrived on time for her initiation, bearing the fresh 
> flowers and fruit she'd been told to bring. But while 
> preparing the puja table, the initiator noticed that 
> instead of the clean white handkerchief she'd been told
> to bring, she had brought a large white sheet. Folding
> it as small as he could he performed the puja and taught
> her TM and everything was great. 
> At the end of the first night of checking, still curious,
> he asked the woman why she'd brought a sheet instead of
> a handkerchief. Blushing furiously, she told the initiator
> that the night before the instruction she had gone out to
> a bar and had met a guy and mentioned to him that she was
> going to learn TM the next day. 
> He said, "Oh yeah, TM. I've learned that."
> She asked, naturally curious, "So what are the fruit and
> the flowers and the handkerchief I've been asked to bring
> for?
> The guy said, "Well, the fruit and flowers are kind of
> symbolic offerings used by the teacher in the ceremony 
> that precedes the initiation. The handkerchief is to 
> cover yourself with when you both get naked." 
> The funniest thing, if you think about it, is that she
> believed him, and showed up anyway.

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