--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, merudanda <no_reply@...> wrote:
> Seems to be a never ending discussion...

Indeed ! This is what Maharishi wrote about " OM", take it or leave it.

"Om" is the Mantra for the Sanyasi. The Sanyasi repeats "Om" "Om"
> "Om". It is given to him at the time of 'Sanyas - Diksha', at the time
> when he has completely renounced attachment to the world. Renunciation
> and detachment increase with the repetition of 'Om'. 'Om' is chanted
> aloud by a Sanyasi to put on end to his desires. Desires are destroyed
> by loudly chanting the mantra 'Om'. And if there is any desire deeply
> rooted in the mind of a Sanyasi, the chanting of 'Om' will result in the
> destruction of the object of such desire in order to make the Sanyasi,
> wholly desireless. The Sanyasi thus attains Peace through the
> renunciation and destruction of desires, whereas the peace comes to the
> householder when his needs are satisfied, when his desires are
> fulfilled. The mantras for the householders have the effect of
> fulfilling the desires.
> >
> > If unfortunately, the householder begins to repeat the pranava Mantra
> viz. 'Om', 'Om' 'Om' he experiences destructive effects in his material
> life. The effect starts with monetary loss and then goes on to destroy
> objects of affection, one by one. Such a man, when he finds loss of
> money and separation from the dear ones, he is reduced to utter
> peacelessness and frustration. Where is the chance of spiritual
> development or experience of Peace and happiness for such a dejected
> soul? The path of peacelessness and misery in the world, cannot lead to
> Eternal happiness. If the man is proceeding towards Eternal happiness
> every day he should feel the increase of peace and happiness, and this
> alone will assure him that he is proceeding towards abiding peace and
> eternal happiness. If you walk towards the light you should be able to
> feel the increase of light at every step. If you are spending some time
> in devotion to God, you should feel peace and happiness in life. If you
> are not feeling peace and happiness you should be wise enough to doubt
> the correctness of your devotion, you should be wise enough to think
> that your method of devotion is wrong, that the Mantras that you are
> repeating do not suit you. The mantras that suit the Sanyasis can never
> suit the householders. Hundreds of God-loving and God-fearing families,
> have been ruined due to the destructive effects of Sanyasa Mantra viz.
> "Om". "Om" destroys desires and also destroys the objects of desires and
> therefore it produces calmness of mind and renunciation and detachment
> from material life only to Sanyasis when they repeat Om; to them it
> brings the experience of peace of mind and from this experience they
> generally recommend the chanting of 'Om' to their followers. But when a
> householder repeats 'Om', he experiences that as long as he is repeating
> 'Om' he feels peace of mind, but when he comes out to indulge in
> business or household work, he finds he finds that the air is against
> his desire and schemes. The silencing effect on the mind and destructive
> effects in material life, both are lived side by side. Some people say
> that we should ignore material life in regard to the devotional
> practices and Mantras. But this is a fool's ideology. Can you possibly
> ignore the considerations of material life, when the Mantras do affect
> it?
> > (BEacon Light)
> >

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