--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, maskedzebra <no_reply@...> wrote:
> The different experience of dying by the ignorant and the enlightened by 
> Maharishi
> Another opinion: 
> MMY: When an ordinary man leaves his body it's a very great pain. When a 
> realized man leaves the body it's the experience of greatest happiness-bliss.
> RESPONSE: Wrong. Maharishi has no direct or verifiable knowledge of this. The 
> person who dies is not the Self, or pure consciousness. The person who dies 
> is the person who so-called got enlightened. That person is all that counts. 
> It is a lie that someone can become so identified with pure consciousness 
> such that who and what they are as an individual human being simply no longer 
> counts for anything. This is the terrible illusion of Hinduism. Maharishi 
> according to this must have experienced the "greatest happiness-bliss" when 
> he died. How so? If Maharishi experienced this, then it must mean he did not 
> dieĀ—he just continued to experience transcendental consciousnessĀ—and this was 
> his post-death identity. 

Just occurred to me, have you ever had flying dreams (dreams of
flying)? ;D

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