--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, maskedzebra <no_reply@...> wrote:
> The different experience of dying by the ignorant and the enlightened
by Maharishi
> Another opinion:
> MMY: When an ordinary man leaves his body it's a very great pain. When
a realized man leaves the body it's the experience of greatest
> RESPONSE: Wrong. Maharishi has no direct or verifiable knowledge of
this. The person who dies is not the Self, or pure consciousness. The
person who dies is the person who so-called got enlightened. That person
is all that counts. It is a lie that someone can become so identified
with pure consciousness such that who and what they are as an individual
human being simply no longer counts for anything. This is the terrible
illusion of Hinduism. Maharishi according to this must have experienced
the "greatest happiness-bliss" when he died. How so? If Maharishi
experienced this, then it must mean he did not dieĀ—he just continued
to experience transcendental consciousnessĀ—and this was his
post-death identity.
> But on the contrary: what creates the pain of death is something
objective and unavoidable: the violent sundering of the soul and the
body. Did Maharishi contradict this truth when he died? There is no
record of anyone dying in the manner that Maharishi describes here. Has
any "realized man" had a near-death experience?
Whoa hold on there Robin, in your hurry to attack M you don't seem to
have paid much attention - I didn't hear anyone or Hinduism say that
that the Self dies, it is the body that dies anywhere :-). And yes what
they were as a person definitely counts otherwise why bother having
statues and pictures and stories of Saints.
What M says is that the death of the enlightened has a different quality
and I have heard several stories regarding that. I also have personal
experiences of death like experiences, it was awesome - in one case I
had my brother check for my pulse, there was none, the body was cold,
but I was totally aware. I freaked out everyone around me but I totally
enjoyed it and have lost fear for death since.
Rest of your post is what you say it is opinion and mostly junk based on
your false perceptions of M that I don't agree.

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