On Wed, Aug 3, 2011 at 1:31 PM, Bob Price <bobpri...@yahoo.com> wrote:

> Since one of our  favourite Canadians is feeling too
> delicate to be interviewed on ZomGas the producers
> have decided that our very favourite Jew, Jesus of
> Nazareth, is more than up to taking his place in the exalted
> number 7 spot.
> For something different we've decided 12 answers following by
> 3 questions might be the ticket. Anyone wishing to provide
> questions to the answers or answers to the questions
> is encouraged to do so. If you pretend to be ignoring us we reserve the
> right to provide questions and answers in a later episode.
> 12 Answers:
> 1. Love

Me ever.

> 2. Tolerance

Is for other people.

> 3. Money

Makes misery a whole lot more bearable.

> 4. America

Got watches over fools, little children, drunks and the United States of

America is a democracy.  In a democracy a rich man have an equal right to
sleep under a bridge at night.

> 5. God

Is everywhere except in Arkansas and parts of Pasadena, Texas.

> 6. Hinduism

Is ever born anew.

> 7. The Pope

Dresses like a Raja.

> 8. Young Children

Are cute and fun since they're somebody else's problem.

> 9. Newfoundland

Nice place.

> 10. Summa Theologica

I read it in 9th grade and many times since then.  Scheiße.

> 11. Paul the Apostle

Never met Jesus.  Did peyote on a trip.  One of the many people who's
gospels should not have been included into the Bible.   My codex, in Nag
Hammadi, where I've spent many days and worked not far away, should have
been included.

> 12. The US Dollar

Will prevail.  The Euro will self-destruct.   We need to default on all debt
to China as they acquired it under false pretenses, by keeping the Yuan at
an artificially low exchange rate compared to other currencies.

> 3 Questions:
> 1. If Jesus arrived at the US Mexican border would he be given a visa?

Yes, he would.   I've had friends who worked most of the year out of the
country.  Most of my US colleagues lived in Pittsburgh, so they flew into
Montreal then got a ride back into the US, not having to show their passport
when crossing the border.   That way on holiday they still had their 330
days working out of the country.  Some colleagues lived in Texas.  They
drove to Mexico, got a visa (and their passport stamped) and when about to
go back as expat went back across the border and when entering, asked to
have their passports stamped by US Immigration.    Plus the Mexicans are
into Jesus in a big way through they like Mary better.    PES 14,000 will
get even Christ a visa.  Problem is, when someone yells out Jusus, a hundred
guys will answer.

> 2. If Jesus arrived at the US Mexican boader would he consider himself a
> Christian?

He ever considered himself a Jew.   He came to fulfill the prophecy and the
Law.  But he never called himself "the Christ".

> 3. If I took a car abondoned by the roadside due its driver experiencing
> "The Rapture"
> would that be considered stealing in the biblical sense?
The rapture was made up by some dude in the 1800s who found a passage
reading about Jesus and his followers being in the clouds.   Sort of like
Maharishi and those in the TMO and the TBs here on FFL.  Hmm.  Will there be
a Vedic Rapture?

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