Thanks for this. I love Mort Sahl!

Since Peter was crucified in Rome I wonder if he left any bad credit card
debt back in Palestine? If he did, knowing VISA, they're still sending
over due notices. 

From: turquoiseb <>
Sent: Thursday, August 4, 2011 12:25:35 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: ZomGas 7 (could be "a visa for Jesus" - was Zombie 
in my Gas Tank)

--- In, Bob Price <bobpriced@...> wrote:
> Steve,
> I think we're all in agreement that next time around Jesus 
> will be a Mexican.

This reminds me of a bit by Mort Sahl. He was doing a 
comedy riff on the bishop at Grace Cathedral in San
Francisco having to phone the Vatican because Christ
had shown up. He was asking advice on what to do about
him. In the comedy bit we could only hear the Bishop's
side of the conversation [from memory, and thus almost
certainly not word for word]:

"Yes, I'm pretty sure it's him. Wounds on the wrists,
loads of charisma. It's him."

[ Silence, as if the Bishop is listening to the Pope's
response ]

"Of course he's white!"

> Only tweak, Peter started the Catholic Church like Paul 
> Allen started Microsoft.

Good line. Although I should point out that Paul Allen
retired in New Mexico, where Microsoft was first started.
He is viewed as a great neighbor and a wonderful person.

Bill Gates would never have been able to go back to New
Mexico because when he decided to move the company to
Bellevue he ran out on most of the company's New Mexico
debts, and left without paying hundreds of creditors
there. In all the years since -- and with all of the
success he's enjoyed since -- it has never occurred to
him to go back and pay those outstanding debts. New
Mexicans have never forgotten that.


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