--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb <no_reply@...> wrote:
> OK, there is some wisdom in this Maharishi-ism. If you can see potential
> trouble brewing down the road and can do something about it before it
> hits the fan, there is value in doing that.
> What I'm finding myself thinking about in this cafe today, however, are
> the paucity of any teachings Maharishi might have given about what to do
> once the problem *has* hit the fan, and is right in your face. I'm
> sitting here searching my memory, and I can't really remember much of
> any advice on the handling of problems other than, essentially, "Run
> away and avoid the problem even now that it *has* come. Instead, dive
> into meditation, and its powerful Woo Woo Rays will fix the problem
> without you getting your hands all muddy."
> I remember in particular a period just before I left the TMO. I was
> working at National, and Maharishi instituted a new policy in which
> major (read "any") decisions had to be approved by a multi-country Board
> Of Governors and, as I hear, unanimously. Jerry Jarvis was the
> representative on this board from the US, and because we worked together
> I occasionally got to hear his frustration with this concept. From his
> point of view, due to the committee nature of it all, almost no problems
> ever got solved by the committee. They'd just talk, talk, talk
> endlessly, never coming to any conclusion or recommending any action,
> and after weeks and occasionally months the problems would have been
> resolved on their own, through total inaction. In his frustrated
> moments, I remember Jerry opining that this may have the whole idea --
> give people the illusion that they have some say in deciding things, but
> then set up a scenario in which they never really get to make any
> decisions.
> Color me not convinced that this approach reflects the world of reality.
> I'm SO not a God freak, or a believer in the notion that the world is
> run by some omnipotent being or Laws Of Nature, and so well that it
> really doesn't need our help in resolving problems, thank you. I think
> that some problems are best met head-on, and "dealt with on the level of
> the problem."
> Then again, I believe in free will, and the possibility that my actions
> really *can* make a difference. I don't think Maharishi did, and that
> belief colored his approach to dealing with -- or in reality *not*
> dealing with -- problems. I think he believed that any "problem" was the
> result of people not being able to tell that everything was already
> perfect. Thus he clung to the perfection of his vision about the
> perfection of things like Vedaland and the Immortality Course and people
> levitating Any Minute Now, and ignored the things that others perceived
> as problems. Like Vedaland being laughed out of existence, graduates of
> the Immortality Course (including him) dying, and people still bouncing
> around on their butts all these years later like frogs on crystal meth.
> Like the world that he described as having entered an age of Sat Yuga
> still allowing one person a minute to starve to death.
> Call me crazy, but my allegiance these days is going to have to be with
> those deluded people "dealing with the problem on the level of the
> problem" and feeding these people instead of trying to sell them
> meditation.

Actually your point has merit; MMY never could recommend dealing with the 
problem per se because he neglected teaching the first two limbs of Patanjali's 
Yoga, Yama & NiYama, the prescriptions and the proscriptions.

Patanjali had envisioned (IMO) dealing with problems on multiple levels, hence 
you have the answer to your query/question.

Their is Nothing wrong with using Astrology to "avoid the problem BEFORE is 

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