Dude, nobody in "Cali" smokes doobies anymore...everyone is vaporizing. That is 
to say, they "vape." 

Just in case anyone doesn't know... A vaporizer heats the "contents" to a 
specific temperature that allows you to determine (by temperature) which 
aspects of the contents you would like to imbibe. FYI, the heater on a 
vaporizer is more than hot enough to ignite feathers.

No smoke is emitted- after all smokers are considered "evil" here and are 
properly sneered at with long condescending faces. There are three stores 
within walking distance of my home in San Jose that sell the devices and/or the 
"medicine." One location has a "medicine sharing room" to help the 

There is a lounge downtown where you are allowed to bring your own medicine. It 
is basically like a very well appointed bar filled with young, extremely 
beautiful ladies whose job it is to up-sell you overly-priced "munchies" after 
the "medicine" kicks in. 

One dispensary is appropriately located next to my favorite Starbucks. Other 
than seeing one elderly person in a walker, most of the clients appear to be in 
their early to mid twenties....I didn't know our youth were so ill. 

Here's a link to a video of the lounge:


P.S. The city just voted to reduce the number of dispensaries to 10. The Fed 
are also coming up with creative ways to hassle the landlords and are issuing 
threats of jail time..to the building owners..not the dispensary operators.....

> Closer to home, if a doobie lights up you need to blow it out or you risk 
> ejecting the contents by shaking it and igniting the feathers in the chick's 
> hair next to you.  Turns out that burning off one side of a chick wearing the 
> hemp vest's hair is a deal killer for hooking up that night even if you point 
> out that now she is so hideous that she is lucky that you are even hitting on 
> her.  Chicks are so inscrutable.  

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