On Oct 10, 2011, at 10:34 AM, turquoiseb wrote:

> Just as a question, how many of you out there in the 
> FFL audience still, to this day, light a stick of 
> incense and then, to blow it out, either wave the
> stick in the air or wave your hand over it, to create
> a breeze that blows out the flame?
> I caught myself doing this tonight.
> Immediately thereafter, I caught myself thinking, 
> "WHY the fuck am I doing this? Does it really 
> MATTER whether I blow this stick of incense out 
> by waving my paw at it, Dogbert-like, or whether 
> I blow it out with my human -- and thus so-much-
> lower-than-incense-deserves -- breath?"

I thought the woo-woo reason you were supposed to
wave your hand at it rather than use your precious
breath to blow it out was to "preserve your prana"
or something like that.  But the "incense deserves
better than my lowly, stinking breath" is a pretty
good meme too.  And for the record, we never use 
it, going on the very well-established meme
that fire and kids generally don't mix, not to 
mention hokey hocus-pocus-like ceremonies that
would have most kids' very-accurate BS meters
going off the charts.


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