On 10/16/2011 09:30 AM, Tom Pall wrote:
> On Sun, Oct 16, 2011 at 11:38 AM, turquoiseb<no_re...@yahoogroups.com>wrote:
>> Curtis, I think that what "Buck" is focusing on is
>> not the lack of a shared "level of life" but the lack
>> of a shared *lifestyle*. One that he himself cannot
>> even live, because he was kicked out of the domes
>> long ago, and can't get back in. Some part of him
>> really, really *misses* that shared TMO TB life-
>> style; he *longs* for it, and glorifies it and the
>> "meaning" he assigns to it in his mind. And on some
>> level -- as you suggest more fundamental and real
>> than the level of his schtick -- he thinks we long
>> for it, too.
> I so much long to go back to the days of sub-zero weather, put up in a
> freezing pod, going down to a freezing basement to take a shower.   Waiting
> outside the Dome until someone decided to come with a key to unlock the
> freezing place.  Going to eat slop that, if I were a POW, would be against
> the Geneva Convention to serve up to me.  Before that, going to residence
> courses where I was treated like a 3 year old.

You do realize that we have someone who used to lead residence courses 
and seems to be stuck in "course leader mode" and treating people on FFL 
like they are a 3 year old. ;-)

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