Turq, your memories about the recently released wandering the record store 
aisles is a really fine piece, very evocative writing. A genuine and quirky 



--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb <no_reply@...> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "curtisdeltablues" <curtisdeltablues@> 
> wrote:
> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Buck" <dhamiltony2k5@> wrote:
> > 
> > > Turqb, what a fabulous opportunity in life that you had, 
> > > to have been there at that very pivotal moment of world 
> > > consciousness in the 20th Century.  That Merv Griffen show.  
> > > Would be like having witnessed the moments of Eckhart Tolle 
> > > on Oprah, a moment of broad change in world consciousness.
> > > 
> > > You, should just shake off this faint-heartedness of yours 
> > > and be with us here in Fairfield again.  It would do the 
> > > world some good also. Bring CurtisDB along too. I pray for you.
> > > 
> > > Jai Adi Shankara, -Buck
> > 
> > So if this is the non-schtick level of your belief system, 
> > why not use your name Doug? Why maintain the level of 
> > insincerity conveyed by this alias?  Are you afraid to 
> > stand behind your convictions?  I think it may be you 
> > who is faint of heart.  
> > 
> > And since I am a meditator like you, what you are really 
> > focusing on is my lack of shared beliefs, a level of life 
> > that Maharishi himself poo-pooed as superficial.
> Curtis, I think that what "Buck" is focusing on is
> not the lack of a shared "level of life" but the lack
> of a shared *lifestyle*. One that he himself cannot
> even live, because he was kicked out of the domes 
> long ago, and can't get back in. Some part of him 
> really, really *misses* that shared TMO TB life-
> style; he *longs* for it, and glorifies it and the
> "meaning" he assigns to it in his mind. And on some 
> level -- as you suggest more fundamental and real 
> than the level of his schtick -- he thinks we long 
> for it, too. 
> What this mindset is reminding me of, strangely, 
> are experiences I had back in the early 70s, while
> living in Toronto. Just out of college, with an 
> English degree that prepared me for nothing :-),
> I wound up working at Sam The Record Man on Yonge
> Street, at the time one of the largest record 
> stores in the world. Its owner, Sam Sniderman,
> soon recognized that I was a little brighter than
> the clerks he normally hired, and so he made me 
> a manager. As such, sometimes I had to open the
> store at 8:00 AM. 
> This was usually a thankless task, because no one
> was actually shopping for records at that time, 
> and I was pretty much alone in the store. Except
> sometimes, when I'd get a glimpse of a mindset 
> that Buck's reminds me of. 
> The store was around the corner from the nearby
> Territorial Prison. When it was time for a prisoner
> to be released, for some reason they let them go 
> at 8:00 in the morning. There they'd be, on the
> street again, with fifty dollars in their pockets
> and nowhere to go, because nothing else was open.
> So they'd come into Sam's and wander around, look-
> ing at all the records in the stacks as if they
> were things of wonder. And I guess they were, 
> compared to where they'd been.
> The thing is, you could always tell these guys.
> They stood out, because they were always dressed
> in the same clothes that they went to prison in,
> five years or ten years or fifteen years earlier.
> Shiny shirts, pegged trousers, and ankle-high 
> Beatle boots with pointy toes...stuff like that.
> These were the only clothes they had, so that's
> what they were wearing. And they'd wander around 
> the stacks, browsing the albums, but always the 
> old ones, the ones they remembered from before 
> they went to prison. They'd heard no new music
> in the years since, so those were the only 
> musicians they knew. It was a very poignant
> experience, watching them try to reintegrate
> themselves into a world that had passed them 
> by. They were literally anachronisms, people
> wandering around in our time, but themselves
> stuck in a previous era.
> That's what Buck's "Come back here and join us
> in Fairfield" raps remind me of. Part of him
> really believes that everyone who was once a 
> part of the TMO and all its cult craziness
> "really" wants to be part of it again, the
> way he does. 
> Some of us don't. I would go so far as to say
> that most of us on this forum don't.

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