As some of you may know the news the other day reported that peanut 
butter was going up in price.  This was linked to the bad year the 
peanut farmers have had.  The worst since 2006.  Well, two weeks ago I 
picked up a jar of unsalted peanuts at Walgreens on sale for $1.99.  
Today that same jar is $5.29.  Now I think the full price of the jar two 
weeks ago would have been $2.59.  There is no excuse for this other than 
greed or reactionary practice like the gas stations do before the price 
of oil really hits them.   OTOH, I was able to buy a can of mixed nuts 
(no peanuts in them) at Walgreens today for just $3.99.

The other thing is that I had to buy the unsalted peanuts two weeks ago 
just to get roasted peanuts.  They put crap in their salted like 
sweeting (peanuts are naturally sweet) and even MSG.  I suspect their 
lame ass marketing focus groups found that "customers like the sweetened 
shit better."  Usually I just buy untainted bags of boiled peanuts at 
Trader Joes.

My conspiracy side says the 1% are going to manipulate food prices 
trying to starve the 99%.  If so it is time to wipe out the 1% since we 
vastly outnumber them.

TM connection: remember when MMY told people not to peanut butter 
because it would make them dull.  Of course  we also had a epidemic in 
the TM community of hypoglycemia and folks found eating peanut grounded 
them out.

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