I like the fun game of Leela!

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "whynotnow7" <whynotnow7@...> wrote:
> What I meant by your shriveled little heart is when I look into the negative 
> space of what you write on here (I mean that dimensionally as used to 
> describe art, not judgmentally), with your rants and other expressions of 
> meanness, I cannot but help conclude that there is some steaming pile of 
> festering Barry that you ain't facing. 
> It isn't really there, but I have found a tendency in most humans to ignore 
> our side that is really driving the works. True balance is achieved by 
> looking at all of it, not as an obsessive check-marking, but just being in 
> balance, looking at everything.
> When you engage in your game of button pushing, it is basically a very safe 
> way of interacting with the forum, as is already making your prejudices known 
> in what you write. There is no variety to it. It is choosing the most obvious 
> ways to affront others, with the natural result that you win, because gee, 
> that's not the way they are accustomed to speaking with and treating others, 
> and here comes Barry, throwing poo everywhere - Oh look, you flinched! 
> But there is a lot more to any of us than such a simple and dare I say 
> neurotic game. Actually engaging in discussions of life, as the one ongoing 
> between Curtis and RC.
> So I conclude in my utmost prejudice that maybe some self-reflection would be 
> helpful for you, before summarily returning to your insults and antagonism 
> here on FFL. 
> Its not that I particularly mind them. Its just that you have become a one 
> trick pony, and on here you can't just be the same old boring tired catalyst 
> of getting people to flinch. Responding intelligently would be a huge step 
> forward, minus the snark.    
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb <no_reply@> wrote:
> >
> > If it helps, I do not remember having said unflattering words about you,
> > so if I did they were in passing, and possibly in jest. I think your
> > 'tude
> > is both sane and rational, more than I can say about those who choose
> > to obsess on me. Especially the ones who claim to be enlightened, and
> > yet obsess anyway. What a wonder I must be to distract them from their
> > one-pointed focus on eternity in such a way.
> > 
> > My shriveled little heart thanks you for your wisdom, and wishes more
> > TMers could learn from it. :-)
> > 
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, obbajeeba <no_reply@> wrote:
> > >
> > > If anyone notices, I have torn at the Turq many times. I do recall the
> > Turq has mentioned some unflattering words towards obba too. The
> > difference is I do not spend my whole time taking every one of his words
> > as a pain in the ass, and if he makes any sense, I leave him alone haha.
> > What shocks me the most is when a "TM Meditator," tears his ass as some
> > kind of outside the movement freak. That is disturbing to me, because if
> > one is getting inner peace, why would one feel threatened by Turq's
> > comments about TM, to the point of lashing out?
> > >
> > >   Judy has pointed out many times the Turq has made an error in his
> > use of TM words, and many others, haha, and at that point, there is no
> > need for someone like me to step in because she called it and many times
> > rightfully so. (Judy is goddess to me.)
> > >
> > > I am sure if I was hanging out in Amsterdam with the Turq, at a coffee
> > house, rolling a...uh, whatever they have to roll there,  and I said I
> > had to take my 20, he may roll his eyes, at the same time respect my
> > time into the Transcendence, as I feel that what works for me. I do not
> > live TM like a cult and if other's do, that is their problem and not
> > mine. : ) Barry is doing a pretty good job showing me the dark side of
> > the movement mind set, yet I still like my TM..so far, I think.  ; )
> > >
> > > This is where, "Barry," can be free of my not, "theaten lil Barry and
> > his shriveled heart."
> >

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