When I learned TM, it was not introduced to me as a secret club. LOL.
 The world of the cost was easily explained as the same as anyone needing to 
pay for things to live in the society. We pay the grocery clerks, lawyers, 
doctors, and even police, heck why do we need to pay police for protection, 
when we could just hit the stealing bastard (a thief) over the head with a 
baseball bat?  LOL.
The secret mantra is only mentioned as secret I think, once one has learned?  
Gee, it has been a few years since that lesson. I only remember the mantra and 
it is mine. hahaha. Seriously, you raise good questions and I fully respect 
your view point. 
Yeah, why?

ps. Yahoo is reposting old posts from a week a go or more. See date below.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Denise Evans <dmevans365@...> wrote:
> I still fail to understand what is it about TM that is so special that it 
> cannot be divulged without payment.  If the TMO is trying to change the 
> world and they are truly sincere in this, why is it all a big secret?  Why 
> is the "technique" so secret?  Why isn't it in a book?  Or is it?  Why has 
> no one breached the secrecy?  Who the fuck are all of you super secret 
> special meditators that you are keeping this big elephant in the living room 
> a secret?  Protecting your investment?  How self-centered is this?  Why 
> wouldn't the TMO release the secret, or for that matter, anyone who has the 
> secret, and really test the hypothesis that they can change the world?  It 
> reeks of BS.
> ________________________________
> From: obbajeeba <no_re...@yahoogroups.com>
> To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
> Sent: Wednesday, October 19, 2011 7:45 AM
> Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Siddha Medicine , Navapashanam & Healing
> If anyone notices, I have torn at the Turq many times. I do recall the Turq 
> has mentioned some unflattering words towards obba too. The difference is I 
> do not spend my whole time taking every one of his words as a pain in the 
> ass, and if he makes any sense, I leave him alone haha. What shocks me the 
> most is when a "TM Meditator," tears his ass as some kind of outside the 
> movement freak. That is disturbing to me, because if one is getting inner 
> peace, why would one feel threatened by Turq's comments about TM, to the 
> point of lashing out?
> Judy has pointed out many times the Turq has made an error in his use of TM 
> words, and many others, haha, and at that point, there is no need for someone 
> like me to step in because she called it and many times rightfully so. (Judy 
> is goddess to me.)
> I am sure if I was hanging out in Amsterdam with the Turq, at a coffee house, 
> rolling a...uh, whatever they have to roll there,  and I said I had to take 
> my 20, he may roll his eyes, at the same time respect my time into the 
> Transcendence, as I feel that what works for me. I do not live TM like a cult 
> and if other's do, that is their problem and not mine. : ) Barry is doing a 
> pretty good job showing me the dark side of the movement mind set, yet I 
> still like my TM..so far, I think.  ; )
> This is where, "Barry," can be free of my not, "theaten lil Barry and his 
> shriveled heart."
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "whynotnow7" <whynotnow7@> wrote:
> >
> > I am pretty sure any and all of them would react just like the rest of us 
> > do, if you decided to lie and deliberately distort their words and 
> > criticize them personally. What you are really listing are the people on 
> > FFL who don't threaten lil' Barry and his shriveled heart.
> > 
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb <no_reply@> wrote:
> > >
> > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, obbajeeba <no_reply@> wrote:
> > > >
> > > > LOL. I like your paragraph about this being an intimidating place. 
> > > 
> > > My perspective is different. I think it's only an
> > > "intimidating" place for those who feel as if they
> > > have an image that needs protecting. Those who have
> > > a more fluid personality, and feel no need to con-
> > > stantly defend themselves and their view of who and
> > > what they are don't seem to find it intimidating at
> > > all. In that ilk I include notables such as Curtis,
> > > you, Alex, Rick, Marek, Sal, Susan/wayback, tartbrain,
> > > Denise, Xeno, and many others, who never seem to worry 
> > > about it. The ability to just be oneself seems to be 
> > > its own reward.
> > >
> >

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