--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, obbajeeba <no_reply@...> wrote:
> If anyone notices, I have torn at the Turq many times. I do
> recall the Turq has mentioned some unflattering words towards
> obba too. The difference is I do not spend my whole time
> taking every one of his words as a pain in the ass, and if he
> makes any sense, I leave him alone haha. What shocks me the
> most is when a "TM Meditator," tears his ass as some kind of 
> outside the movement freak. That is disturbing to me, because
> if one is getting inner peace, why would one feel threatened
> by Turq's comments about TM, to the point of lashing out?

You seem to have bought into two of the false memes
Barry has done his best to establish.

First, by far the majority of the criticism directed
at Barry is not about his comments concerning TM, it's
about his incredibly obnoxious behavior toward others
on FFL. There are plenty of TM critics here who don't
come in for the same disapprobation that Barry does,
because they treat others like human beings rather than
like garbage.

Second, the notion that TMers are "threatened" by what
he has to say about TM/MMY/the TMO is absurd. That one
disagrees with somebody's view or disapproves of their
behavior, or both, doesn't mean they feel threatened
by it.

> Judy has pointed out many times the Turq has made an error
> in his use of TM words

I think you may be thinking of Vaj rather than Barry
here. Vaj is the one who most often gets "TM words"

> Barry is doing a pretty good job showing me the dark side
> of the movement mind set

What Barry primarily shows the dark side of is Barry.

> yet I still like my TM..so far, I think.  ; )
> This is where, "Barry," can be free of my not, "theaten
> lil Barry and his shriveled heart."

Take another look at the exchange you were commenting on:

> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "whynotnow7" <whynotnow7@> wrote:
> >
> > I am pretty sure any and all of them would react just like
> > the rest of us do, if you decided to lie and deliberately
> > distort their words and criticize them personally. What you
> > are really listing are the people on FFL who don't threaten
> > lil' Barry and his shriveled heart.

This is on the nose.

> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb <no_reply@> wrote:
> > >
> > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, obbajeeba <no_reply@> wrote:
> > > >
> > > > LOL. I like your paragraph about this being an
> > > > intimidating place.

And yet...

> > > My perspective is different. I think it's only an
> > > "intimidating" place for those who feel as if they
> > > have an image that needs protecting. Those who have
> > > a more fluid personality, and feel no need to con-
> > > stantly defend themselves and their view of who and
> > > what they are don't seem to find it intimidating at
> > > all. In that ilk I include notables such as Curtis,
> > > you, Alex, Rick, Marek, Sal, Susan/wayback, tartbrain,
> > > Denise, Xeno, and many others, who never seem to worry 
> > > about it. The ability to just be oneself seems to be 
> > > its own reward.

...do you think I feel "intimidated" by FFL? No? Then
why am I not on his list?

Note also, by the way, that while he does put Denise on
his list of those not intimidated by FFL, it was her
confession that *she finds FFL intimidating* that
initiated this exchange.

Bottom line, he wasn't really paying attention to what
was being said, nor did he have anything insightful to
point out. He simply felt the need to lash out at the
people who intimidate *him*.

And that, in a nutshell, is why so many here criticize

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