A beautiful message from Bob indeed, his creativity makes it a real
compelling read :-). Oh and thanks for the compliments Bob.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, maskedzebra <no_reply@...> wrote:
> Dear Bob Price,
> There will be (as evidenced already) persons at FFL who will not like
this apology. Not because of the way you have expressed yourself, but
because of to whom it is addressed. Now I happen to appreciate the
clarity and impartiality in most of what Judy writes; and certainly
there is no one here on FFL who, in some formal sense at least, is a
better writer than she is.
> But what I wish to draw attention to is what this post reveals about
the person that you are. I doubt there are very many readers and posters
at FFL who can imagine themselves under any circumstance writing with
this kind of humility, sincerity, and intelligence—that is, inside
the context of expiating for some self-judged wrong against another
person. Did I know nothing about you; did I know nothing about the
person to whom you are speaking, I would nevertheless admire—even
love—the person who was capable of exhibiting such bright and
intelligent feeling. What strikes me most in this post is the disarming
boldness and coherence with which you make your appeal. There is not a
touch of sentimentality or self-confusion here. I think it quite an
extraordinary proof of the depth of personality and powers of
self-command that you possess.
> I should have anticipated the response, which instead of catching at
what I am trying to describe, focuses on the object of your apology.
Even the fact of how you come across here—in the way in which I have
interpreted you—says something positive about Judy. Because had it
not been appropriate—or somehow excessive—for you to write in
this way to her—then your post would have suffered from its very
ambition: namely to do justice to another human being.
> That Judy could bring this out from within you, is a measure of who
she is as a person. But what imperially forces me to speak here is my
sense of who the person must be who was capable of putting themselves in
the position you have and then finding the grace to write what cannot be
misunderstood, what seems to almost perfectly fulfil its very real
> Judy,
> I want to apologize for my behavior and some posts I made---accusing
you of
> censorship; I was full of s*it and you were right to push back and
correct me. I
> have no evidence to support such an accusation and you obviously don't
> that way. I also apologize for taking way too long to send this post,
and hope
> it still qualifies as: "better late than never". I also want to thank
the three
> "R's", for helping me find my better angel; Rory (reading), Robin
(riting) and
> Ravi (rithmatic). As you may have guessed; my head is populated by at
least two
> angels; a very dark troll-like one (about the size of a sumo wrestler)
> lives, rent free, in my left hemisphere----he's very noisy and get's
most of my
> airtime; in my right hemisphere, another angel lives, she's
translucent, about
> the size of a hummingbird---refracts light beautifully, grows
gardenias, and
> quietly warns me---just before I attempt to be a dickhead; she does it
in such
> an subtle way, its easy
> to ignore her, and I end up making a fool of myself. Every time I do
this the
> Sumo gains about 20 lbs (you can imagine, how big he is). It normally
> friends like the three "R's' before I pay any attention to what she
> whispered---that might have saved me. In other words---I'm sorry.
> Unless you've heard this one already; I thought you might enjoy
something the
> wife (always a fan of yours) said to me yesterday:
> "You're entitled to your own opinions, but not your own facts".
> It may be your gentleness, with our resident angels; I hope you don't
mind me
> saying; lately, you've reminded me of Karen:
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xb6svoM3UWE

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