--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "curtisdeltablues" <curtisdeltablues@...> 
> which is the ride, not the destination.

So its about style over substance? (cheap shot I know,but in my warped mind, a 
chuckling one.)
> Don't sweat it Tart.  There may only be some "there" there for a select few.  
> And if it is only this select few who gains admittance into heaven for all of 
> eternity, 

With "72 virgins"? (which I think may be oversold. I mean at least some of them 
I would think are virgins for a reason, "Get that disgusting thing away from 
me." )

Or does the secular version of heaven have 108 virgins and 1008 like totally 
perfected, experienced sexual beings. (which means the majority are gay, of 
course. Sort of, in a vague way, like white folk don't have rhythm thing.)

> And if those who can't appreciate the lofty nature of these exchanges spend 
> eternity in a place with the climate of Iraq in the Summer (but because of 
> the fires it is a dry heat so DC is still worse than hell in August) then so 
> be it.  

I can relate, having spent a summer sleeping in the no AC attic on top of the 
DC center. (Don't get excited about the juxtaposition of AC / DC, it was just 
random.) That was the same summer as the Watergate break-in, but, um, I have no 
recollection, and um, to the best of my ability, I do not remember any Mr. 
Gordon Liddy. 

(Also that summer TM made the front page of the WSJ, I spit out my coffee, um I 
mean herbal tea, at that greasy spoon around the cornor when I saw that.)

> I'll send you some postcards (written on asbestos) to entertain you from time 
> to time.

I will look forward to it -- if it makes it through the brain barrier so to 
speak. The mergence of Infinite Emptiness with Blazing Radiance, the eternal 
Buddha / Shiva Mind, doesn't easily  receive  postcards. It's this crazy rule 
the PO has: infinite, unbounded, non-localized is hard to deliver to (no wonder 
some go postal when they are tasked with finding that address.)

(By the way, play some Getz / Gilberto / Jobim on your ipod connected mega 
speakers for those 72 virgins. It is guaranteed to make true believers out of 
every last one of them.)

> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, tartbrain <no_reply@> wrote:
> >
> > Not said with any agenda, snarkiness or irony, rather a sincere question, 
> > but what do you, raunchy and judy obtain from these dialogues. I would 
> > answer for myself, but to be honest, after repeated attempts, I cannot get 
> > past the first paragraph of the half dozen or so exchanges I have attempted 
> > to fathom. 
> > 
> > In reading any new author or exchange, I, at least in the back recesses of 
> > my mind, am asking, "is there any 'there' there?"  I am sure there is, as 
> > you and others testify. But each long densely packed  paragraph that I 
> > attempt, my (perhaps lazy) mind rebels and asks  "Oh Lord, where is the 
> > 'there' there". I feel like I am at the beginning of an intellectual wild 
> > goose chase -- and abort the mission. 
> > 
> > Sometimes I think they are advanced zen or dochzen masters in disguise, 
> > playing with us, taunting us, and the sole purpose of their dialogues is 
> > the totally and completely still the readers mind. That has happened to me. 
> > Twisted,flayed, stretched and twisted, parched in a desert dry of any 
> > familiar meaningfulness, after a paragraph my mind (and this is my limited 
> > mind, mind you, not a generalized observation, "holy shit, I totally give 
> > up, I want to go home Right Now and rest in the vast void, beyond this 
> > intense cacaphony of dense mind states. Abort ALL systems, Abort mind 
> > immediately."   
> > 
> > I have faith in Curtis' intellectual skills and background (and more 
> > broadly his artistic/intuitive sensitivities) in that if he is finding 
> > value in the exchanges, there must be some "there" there. Though to be 
> > honest, at times I can't follow him too far down, what appears to me to be 
> > a rabbit hole, in his long discourses with a few other sparing partners. 
> > But in whole, I enjoy his insights and style. 
> > 
> > That said, and I ask sincerely, can one or all of you provide some some 
> > cliff notes, a cartoon version, a list of key points, an annotated version 
> > (like needed to read James Joyce or Sarte) of what themes, ideas, insights 
> > that you find of value in these dialogues. (This is not a loaded question.) 
> >  
> > 
> > 
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "seventhray1" <steve.sundur@> wrote:
> > >
> > > 
> > > Ditto on that.  Sending my thanks to both of them for an intriguing and
> > > enlightening discussion.
> > > 
> > > 
> > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "raunchydog" <raunchydog@>
> > > wrote:
> > > > I've been quietly lurking, reading most of Curtis and Robin's posts.
> > > It's a lot to wade through but it's worth the effort. Their conversation
> > > invites me to get in synch with their thought processes and experience
> > > the unfolding of their deeply felt, yet, uniquely intellectual
> > > approaches to reality. The brain power between them could light up a
> > > city.
> > > >
> > > > The only sport my Dad enjoyed watching on TV was boxing, so very early
> > > on I learned to cheer evenly matched opponents. Busker Boy Curtis in
> > > Boxer-Blue shorts vrs. Fancy Pants Robin in Cardinal Red pantaloons are
> > > evenly matched heavy weights. Jabs, hooks, one-two punches, he's up,
> > > he's down and so far it's a draw! Thanks for tickets to ring-side, guys.
> > > Ding!
> > > >
> > >
> >

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