Dear Curtis,

Brilliant and just summation. Thank you. Reading this had the effect of 
reliving the entire correspondence between us: both at FFL and offline. I was 
apprehensive at first, thinking you would be tempted to debunk the whole 
thing—you know:the Jr High Thing; but, thank God, you were true to the "sheer 
joy" you confessed was your experience in posting with Robin.

You are one crazy man, Curtis. No one has ever caught up to you. And what you 
are about in writing posts like this one, is beyond fathoming—except that you 
like to play against yourself. I must assume, from what you have said, that our 
correspondence, then, has nothing in it of what you take with you to sing the 
blues. This must be the case. As I doubt you would trifle with something as 
existentially sacred (for you) as that.

I resent profoundly your ridiculous and mischievous caricature of me—and even 
of yourself, although it is clear, were I reading this, and knew nothing about 
either Robin or Curtis, I would find myself siding, obviously, with the Curtis 

You have drawn the crudest cartoon of our conversation, even as you will say, 
in your response to this, Hey, Robin! I was only fulfilling the Cliff Notes 
request of tartbrain. What did you expect me to do? If I can poke fun at myself 
in this act, why are you so serious and uptight that you can't take some 
pleasure in what I have pulled off? Robin, you are too much of a fucking 
Puritan or something: for Christ sake: lighten up! I was just having some merry 
fun here. No harm done, big guy.

You're out of control, Curtis. But that's not translatable in ways that anyone 
but you could understand. I take back nothing of what I have said to you over 
the past eight months; I only am adding some elements which make of you 
something more complex and profound than I even thought you were when you just 
elicited love and awesome enjoyment from deep inside of me.

Why not stop the game, Curtis Baby. You are brilliant and hilarious and strong 
and wise. What the fuck is going on with your mocking, taunting, teasing, 
bullying, sabotaging, manipulating, invading, overpowering?

Curtis: I have no fucking idea what you are talking about, Robin. Why don't you 
go back to your Virgin Mary and your screwed up mystical theatre and get a 
life. I summarized our dialogues at FFL—and my estimation of what our offline 
correspondence meant—and I did not feel I impugned its integrity in any way 
whatsoever: Hey, Robin: Remember irony? You use it all the time. You're just a 
bit slow and ponderous this morning. Get some of that Curtis caffein into you; 
then you'll be ready to rock and roll with me. I love you, Robin Baby.

You move everywhere and in every direction in every moment. No one has ever 
pinned you down, Curtis. And do I admit to being bested by you? Well, of course 
I do.—At least by one definition: I don't understand your agenda. And I don't 
think anyone does—although most everyone here at FFL will be sure that Robin 
has overshot the mark here. Fine. I am talking about where you really are at 
when it comes to going through death. Something like that.

I think you a bullshitter, Curtis, but a bullshitter who covers himself with 
truth, with morality, with dignity, with the most ferocious integrity I have 
ever known.

And do I still love you? You bet. But I will not give any quarter. And we shall 
see whether your POV—and your secret and lethal modus operandi—finally does 
away with me—at least here at FFL. I have no desire to continue to post at 
FFL—except that I will get stronger, and that I can get tested. You've done a 
pretty goddamn good job of providing this function since the very beginning, 
But is it ever heating up now.

Hi, Curtis, my man. You are still here. That's good. I don't think you have the 
faintest idea of what I am all about. But know one thing: I don't and won't 
play with my final sincerity. No way. You do it all the time. Still, when all 
is said and done, you just might be right, and I —in comparison at least—more 
wrong. I mean about everything.

The Zimmerman Telegram has been finally shown to me. It demonstrates either 
pure dishonesty and mendacity on Barry's part; or, if I am take him at his 
word, the same with regard to yourself. Germany telling Mexico to make war on 
the United States—because, the accusation is that the US has been lying to 

Your comments in response to that e-mail that Bob Price confronted me with, 
indicate either 1. total ignorance about what Barry sent to Bob Price; or else 
2, cunning obfuscation and reality distortion.

No matter what I have said here, Curtis. I still think you about the most 
marvellous character I have met. I think you a perfect (but very very subtle) 
asshole for writing as you have to tartbrain. Nevertheless I understand this is 
how you play fast and loose with reality. As if, in making love to the woman 
you adore, you get up and say: Well, that beats cutting the lawn, doesn't it, 

By the way, when I watch and listen to you play the blues, I feel and 
experience something preternaturally powerful and riveting. It is like no other 
musical experience I have had—although Michael Jackson in his prime has a kind 
of strangely beautiful and haunting effect on me. Can I take your music, 
Curtis, and make it into muzak?

Well, one thing is clear: we are finally getting to know each other.

>From one motherfucker to another motherfucker,


--- In, "curtisdeltablues" <curtisdeltablues@...> 
> Why doubt your impression Tart?  If there was something of value for you in 
> our conversation you would have already found it and tossed it back to us in 
> your own clever style.  A Cliff notes summary would kill the value of the 
> dialogue for me,which is the ride, not the destination.
> Here you go:
> Robin believes that God existed and communicated his relationship to man 
> through the birth of Jesus and the Catholic church with Thomas Aquinas being 
> the go to guy for the details of that relationship.
> Curtis does not believe that there is adequate evidence for this claim or how 
> one might be able to distinguish this God idea as the right one out of all 
> the thousands man has proposed.
> Robin believes that God changed his relationship to man in the 40' with the 
> bombing of that monastery and is no longer answering his phone.
> Curtis finds this even more of a stretch than the first claim.
> Robin believes that there are significant issues with the theory of evolution 
> (although he generally accepts it) and that it is improperly being used as a 
> justification for materialistic reductionism in science.
> Curtis says that the theory of evolution gives him a boner hard enough to 
> drive in nails if a hammer was not available. (These are MY Cliff notes so 
> there is gunna be at least one boner reference, OK?)
> Robin believes that Curtis lacks the ability to fully take on someone else's 
> POV but instead runs his own routine over the person as if their POV didn't 
> exist.
> Curtis believes that his powers of understanding other people's POVs are so 
> far beyond the creator of the universe, that God himself appears like a 
> provincial yokal with a native New Yorker having just arrived at Grand 
> Central Station.
> God as rube: "Where all them TV stars live, I come here to see em."  
> NYC native. "It is customary for you to bring a watch as a gift when visiting 
> our TV stars. (Opens coat revealing selection)  Here are the approved watches 
> available at a discount to make sure you are well received at the star's 
> homes. 
> God (what a dipshit!) "Well OK then if you say so.  I'd better buy a bunch 
> cuz Ma has her heart set on seeing a whole slew of them stars."
> And scene.
> I think that about covers it, I hope Robin doesn't feel misrepresented.  
> There was some pseudo gay banter that livened up the exchanges considerably, 
> but if you aren't a fan of the filler, you wont enjoy those exchanges either.
> Don't sweat it Tart.  There may only be some "there" there for a select few.  
> And if it is only this select few who gains admittance into heaven for all of 
> eternity, and if those who can't appreciate the lofty nature of these 
> exchanges spend eternity in a place with the climate of Iraq in the Summer 
> (but because of the fires it is a dry heat so DC is still worse than hell in 
> August) then so be it.  I'll send you some postcards (written on asbestos) to 
> entertain you from time to time.
> --- In, tartbrain <no_reply@> wrote:
> >
> > Not said with any agenda, snarkiness or irony, rather a sincere question, 
> > but what do you, raunchy and judy obtain from these dialogues. I would 
> > answer for myself, but to be honest, after repeated attempts, I cannot get 
> > past the first paragraph of the half dozen or so exchanges I have attempted 
> > to fathom. 
> > 
> > In reading any new author or exchange, I, at least in the back recesses of 
> > my mind, am asking, "is there any 'there' there?"  I am sure there is, as 
> > you and others testify. But each long densely packed  paragraph that I 
> > attempt, my (perhaps lazy) mind rebels and asks  "Oh Lord, where is the 
> > 'there' there". I feel like I am at the beginning of an intellectual wild 
> > goose chase -- and abort the mission. 
> > 
> > Sometimes I think they are advanced zen or dochzen masters in disguise, 
> > playing with us, taunting us, and the sole purpose of their dialogues is 
> > the totally and completely still the readers mind. That has happened to me. 
> > Twisted,flayed, stretched and twisted, parched in a desert dry of any 
> > familiar meaningfulness, after a paragraph my mind (and this is my limited 
> > mind, mind you, not a generalized observation, "holy shit, I totally give 
> > up, I want to go home Right Now and rest in the vast void, beyond this 
> > intense cacaphony of dense mind states. Abort ALL systems, Abort mind 
> > immediately."   
> > 
> > I have faith in Curtis' intellectual skills and background (and more 
> > broadly his artistic/intuitive sensitivities) in that if he is finding 
> > value in the exchanges, there must be some "there" there. Though to be 
> > honest, at times I can't follow him too far down, what appears to me to be 
> > a rabbit hole, in his long discourses with a few other sparing partners. 
> > But in whole, I enjoy his insights and style. 
> > 
> > That said, and I ask sincerely, can one or all of you provide some some 
> > cliff notes, a cartoon version, a list of key points, an annotated version 
> > (like needed to read James Joyce or Sarte) of what themes, ideas, insights 
> > that you find of value in these dialogues. (This is not a loaded question.) 
> >  
> > 
> > 
> > --- In, "seventhray1" <steve.sundur@> wrote:
> > >
> > > 
> > > Ditto on that.  Sending my thanks to both of them for an intriguing and
> > > enlightening discussion.
> > > 
> > > 
> > > --- In, "raunchydog" <raunchydog@>
> > > wrote:
> > > > I've been quietly lurking, reading most of Curtis and Robin's posts.
> > > It's a lot to wade through but it's worth the effort. Their conversation
> > > invites me to get in synch with their thought processes and experience
> > > the unfolding of their deeply felt, yet, uniquely intellectual
> > > approaches to reality. The brain power between them could light up a
> > > city.
> > > >
> > > > The only sport my Dad enjoyed watching on TV was boxing, so very early
> > > on I learned to cheer evenly matched opponents. Busker Boy Curtis in
> > > Boxer-Blue shorts vrs. Fancy Pants Robin in Cardinal Red pantaloons are
> > > evenly matched heavy weights. Jabs, hooks, one-two punches, he's up,
> > > he's down and so far it's a draw! Thanks for tickets to ring-side, guys.
> > > Ding!
> > > >
> > >
> >

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