On Nov 5, 2011, at 9:29 AM, feste37 wrote:

> What an obnoxious post. You are saying, in effect, "I can determine who is 
> enlightened and who isn't, but I'm not going to tell you how." Do you 
> seriously expect us to believe that?

I'm NOT saying that, as I cannot guarantee it would work for everyone.

As to whether you or anyone else believes it, it's immaterial. The event was 
purely intended for those present.

Having said that, practicing Dzogchen atiyoga for a sufficient amount a time as 
to gain certainty in the direct, non-conventional experience of the natural 
state is the best way I know to gain recognition of it in others, but even that 
depends on the peculiar mix of obscurations of the people involved. 

Suffice to say, in the case of RWC, he was always, from the beginning, quite 
transparent to me. 

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