Vaj: Suffice to say, in the case of RWC, he was always, from the beginning, 
quite transparent to me. 

RESPONSE: No one is transparent to anyone, Vaj. With this one statement, 
though—and the post that Judy made available on FFL from 2006—you have become 
always, from the beginning, quite transparent to me—in this one sense: you are 
a liar. 

Beyond that—for instance, why you felt you could get away with this fictitious 
story about me—I cannot fathom you. But it is literally one of the greatest 
puzzles to me why you continue—intelligent and learned and quick-witted as you 
are—to pursue this sham project of claiming you are an ex-TM initiator—let 
alone the slayer of my  pretended status as enlightened. 

There is a personal labyrinth there, which lies in all its dark intricacy and 
mystery: To make the declaration you have made here, which I quote, confirms 
the utter non-transparency of your self to your own self. What more can I say, 
Vaj? Are you sacrificing your credibility and honour for some esoteric purpose 
which we here at FFL can never dream to penetrate the meaning of? I can't 
understand this extraordinary self-mockery. But I will leave it to Curtis to 
explain you—as he has done in the past, and for which, mysteriously, you never 
thanked him, even acknowledging what he had written on your behalf. You are 
trying to gain an audience by impugning any notion of your own honesty and 
integrity, and I do not understand this.

--- In, Vaj <vajradhatu@...> wrote:
> On Nov 5, 2011, at 9:29 AM, feste37 wrote:
> > What an obnoxious post. You are saying, in effect, "I can determine who is 
> > enlightened and who isn't, but I'm not going to tell you how." Do you 
> > seriously expect us to believe that?
> I'm NOT saying that, as I cannot guarantee it would work for everyone.
> As to whether you or anyone else believes it, it's immaterial. The event was 
> purely intended for those present.
> Having said that, practicing Dzogchen atiyoga for a sufficient amount a time 
> as to gain certainty in the direct, non-conventional experience of the 
> natural state is the best way I know to gain recognition of it in others, but 
> even that depends on the peculiar mix of obscurations of the people involved. 
> Suffice to say, in the case of RWC, he was always, from the beginning, quite 
> transparent to me.

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