--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Yifu" <yifuxero@...> wrote:
> re: Demonic possession at Domes.  It's a type of psychic 
> awareness, strong enough to grok and state..."an observation"; 
> but not yet scientific enough for acceptance on that level. 
> (but stay tuned...additional corroboration may come later). 

Cool. I guess. I do not deny this, or bristle at it
in the slightest. I haven't been part of any "dome
experience" since probably 1978. I have no idea what
it might feel like to be in a modern "golden dome" and
have no desire to find out. No "natural tendency of
the mind" in that direction whatsoever.

> The awareness is difficult to describe but leads to visceral 
> reactions such as feelings of repugnance upon having encountered 
> a Presence one should initially flee from. I'm experimenting with 
> various mantras designed - - originally intended as "karma 
> busting" procedures.

Good luck. I guess. :-) I have no real experience in
this area to pass along to you, having reacted to the
occasional demonic presences in my life the same way
I react to attention vampires on FFL...by ignoring 
them. Except for one experience with a cool mantra.

I was having a spate of unsettling dreams, as in one
or more astral badasses trying to get me, which is WAY
rare for me, and I happened to mention it to a friend
who was in China, studying Taoist herbalogy and alchemy.
He wrote back that night to tell me the Taoist mantra
for dispelling "dark forces," whether in dreams or in
everyday life. Strangely enough, the mantra was "Ha!"

That night, finding myself surrounded by the same
badasses in the dream plane, I remembered my friend's
advice and decided to shout out the Taoist mantra.
I did, with a mighty "Ha!" And all of the badasses
shriveled up into a tiny pile resembling a pile of
dead leaves. I awoke amazed, and having no explan-
ation for the sychronicity. I still have none. But
I really do love the image of beings who consider
themselves badassses being brought low simply by
being laughed at. :-)

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