Zebra, good exercise as archetypal Tru-Believer and makes for great theatre.  
It's quite funny that it comes through you on their (Bevan's) behalf.  Is fine 
for you to say, but you don't live here.  Regardless, it was brilliant writing 
in a voice.  It's a point of view. Thanks.  JGD, -Buck 

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, maskedzebra <no_reply@...> wrote:
> Darling Obbajeeba,
> I can't get rid of the hate in my heart, so please bear with me while I 
> attack you without cause.
> Did you watch Ellen Degeneres open that David Lynch Foundation event? And did 
> you read Bob Price's wife's post attempting to persuade Emily to start 
> Transcendental Meditation? And do you recall when TM for you was the best 
> thing going—before the 1980's, that is? (By the way, I am going to assume you 
> are an initiator; if you are not then some of my comments here are not, for 
> you, completely on the mark.)
> No one could see anything about Ellen Degeneres (or for that matter in Martin 
> Scorsese's comments) or in 'Mrs. Price's' commentary which would imply any 
> kind of influence over their own individualism and originality. TM is the 
> most subtle and efficacious technique there is to produce a blissful 
> experience, and the most subtle kind of changes—almost immediately—in one's 
> personal life. If you listen to Ellen read what Mrs. Price says in her post, 
> you realize that TM, mechanically and efficaciously considered, beats any 
> other spiritual technique in existence—I would even say (from an Eastern 
> point of view) ever. The fact that in doing TM one does not change anything 
> about oneself in terms of one's own values, beliefs, or life style—and Ellen 
> when she extolled the benefits of TM was as convincing and persuasive as 
> anyone could be—likewise when 'Mrs Price' wrote her letter to Emily—is 
> something without precedent. There is no 'technique' that I know of which is 
> not wedded to some belief system in the very practising of that technique. 
> Not so TM.
> Transcendental Meditation, therefore, in my opinion, obbajeeba, is sui 
> generis, intrinsically unique, like nothing else. Doing TM does not resemble 
> doing anything else. There is—this is my argument based upon empirical 
> evidence—absolutely no cross-pollination with any other technique or forms of 
> meditation. In fact, I contend that whatever alternative spiritual tradition 
> a former TMer turns to—especially a former initiator—he or she will approach, 
> and even practise—and evaluate—that new technique *entirely in terms of their 
> pervious experience of Transcendental Meditation*. TM is not just different, 
> obbajeeba; it is distinct and separate from everything else spiritually in 
> existence.
> This is why Rick Archer always comes off—to me at least—as so much more 
> conversant with the religious forms of experience, with spiritual reality, 
> with how to understand states of consciousness than any of his guests (except 
> for the TM ones: like Phil Goldberg and Dana Sawyer). Despite turning from TM 
> and Maharishi, his nervous system has been schooled in the TM-Maharishi-Guru 
> Dev universe, and this shows through at every level of himself. Even as he 
> now professes to have a more authentic religious experience through his 
> relationship with Mata Amritanandamayi (Amma: the Hugging Saint) than he did 
> with Maharishi Mahesh Yogi.
> Every one of us keen initiators, throughout the early and mid seventies, 
> would have been nonplussed by any TM teacher trying to make the argument you 
> make here. It wouldn't make sense to us. We did not just abide by what 
> Maharishi had told us about guarding "the purity of The Teaching"; we felt it 
> in our very soul. It was so manifestly clear to us that TM was something 
> absolutely special, and could never be compared to anything that had been 
> offered in our lifetime [our present one :-)] We acted on behalf of this 
> notion of "No Saints" scrupulously, but not, as I say, out of deference to 
> Maharishi; we could intuitively, deeply, feel the necessity of this. After 
> all, what Master had produced the experience that "Mother is at Home"? What 
> Master could allow us to confirm for ourselves that we were getting "The 
> Support of Nature"? What other Master could deliver on his promise that once 
> we became initiators, we could give to some other human being, a perfect 
> stranger, this ultimate transcendent experience? The Checking Notes 
> themselves—the Checking Procedure as memorized and applied—are more 
> dazzlingly and perfectly efficient than anything in existence. And there is 
> no Master in our lifetime who systematically made teachers of this wisdom 
> such that we could actually have the experience of tuning into the Holy 
> Tradition, to having the experiences that previously were reserved for Hindus 
> who sought silence in some Himalayan cave. 
> Lookee here, obbajeeba: TM, Maharishi, becoming a TM Teacher—all the advanced 
> techniques that followed (including of course the Two Week Extension and the 
> Sidhis)—entailed participating in a certain metaphysical context within 
> creation. And there is nothing nor ever will be anything just like TM and 
> just like Maharishi (seen through our golden glasses as devout initiators).
> It is a very simple thing: the very moment Bevan relents on this policy, the 
> floodgates will open and TM will dilute in its potency, and there will be a 
> mystical mixture of substances which are not made to unite. If Bevan lifts 
> the No Saints ruling, thus going directly against his Master's wishes, he 
> will pollute everything, and TM will quite swiftly lose whatever status and 
> efficacy it has presently—and the whole project of Maharishi will not just 
> flounder; it will alter its nature, and it will attenuate into something 
> almost unrecognizable to what it has always been. No, Bevan is being true to 
> Maharishi, to Guru Dev, and to the actual mechanical nature of TM to stick to 
> his absolute fiat.
> Now I would never think about doing TM again—and I have a pretty cynical view 
> of who Maharishi Mahesh Yogi is seen sub specie aeternitatis. But were I 
> still practicing and teaching TM—and remained as Bevan is, devoted utterly to 
> Maharishi—I would offer to debate this issue with anyone—even in a public 
> forum. Because it happens to be, if you accept what TM actually is [and watch 
> Ellen Degeneres and Martin Scorsese and read 'Mrs Price's' letter to Emily], 
> like nothing else. And either is any other Saint or Master of our time like 
> Maharishi. With all his faults and failings and worse, Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, 
> at his peak, was like no one who has ever been since Christ. No one on this 
> forum who was at the zenith of their enthusiasm for TM and devotion to 
> Maharishi would even be capable of questioning this judgment.
> The problem comes in when one looks at the long-term effects of TM, and the 
> actions of Maharishi in private. Well, then, the argument could be made: why 
> not subject TM to the eclecticism of the New Age smorgasbord  and let it fend 
> for itself? This would be fatal. Maybe it is coming, but the first person of 
> final authority who bends this rule brings on the deluge. And the final 
> ignominious fate of TM and Maharishi Mahesh Yogi.
> No, obbejeeba; it's either TM or bust. Bevan is acting —and Feste37 intuits 
> this—in accordance with what he believes and knows to be the very desire of 
> Guru Dev himself.
> There will be plenty of arguments flying back against what I have said here; 
> but no one will seriously believe that he or she can change Bevan's mind 
> about this. Because if they could, it would mean that even Bevan has 
> abandoned his own beloved Master—and this would throw the whole Movement, 
> Purusha, Mother Divine, into permanent confusion.
> I reject TM and Maharishi absolutely. But at the same time, if I am to 
> believe in my experiences under TM and Maharishi—including my 
> enlightenment—then I must firmly come out totally on the side of Bevan. All 
> objections to this No Saint policy are destined to be futile. Maharishi, in 
> his own way, created something miraculous—at the level of *experience* 
> anyway. And his possession of integrity—in some basic sense: even Judith 
> Bourque gave him absolute credit here—was undeniable. As I knew only too well 
> by being in his physical presence.
> The only emperor is the emperor of ice-cream. The emperor was Maharishi; the 
> ice-cream was, and is, TM.
> Robin
> Exactly.
> Listen to this scenario here: A poor student learning TM in their school 
> through
> the David Lynch Foundation, who may have parents or a Rich Aunt or Uncle, who
> may meditate another practice. Then one day, the student as a student finds 
> out
> about these other techniques available and discusses them with the family
> members. Then maybe the student goes and listens to chants and such, presented
> differently by these other places of higher knowledge, that higher knowledge
> being something the student had not heard of before. When the student decides 
> to
> go back and take the TM-Sidhi's and is asked about seeking Saints, etc., will
> that student be turned down the teachings?
> Or, what if the student went from learning TM in the public school right to 
> and learns the TM-Sidhi's, goes on a holiday break to see relatives, finds out
> his relatives practice another technique or such, Saint searching the globe,
> does this mean when the student returns to MUM, and speaks about his gathered
> experiences, he/she may be turned down a dome badge?
> These policies have to change if TM is going to expect to reach millions of
> students elsewhere, because these are not far fetched scenarios. If anyone
> thinks it is such a rarity, than one has lived a boxed sheltered life. Maybe
> can't see past the foundations of tax deduction purposes. It is a truth. Buck 
> is
> correct. Buck is not a renegade.
> Buck is calling Santa out. Santa finally notices, Rudolph's nose shines so
> brightly, "Won't you guide my sleigh tonight?"
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L3z1iOvXpeY
> ALL AMERICAN CHILDREN WORSHIP A SAINT,whether they are Christian or not, 
> because
> he brings lot's of gifts.
> These children would technically not qualify for a dome badge. Period. End of
> story.
> Saint Nicholas is my hero. I bow to St. Nicholas.
> Can I please have my dome badge back?
> This is my Christmas wish and don your St. Nicholas caps and occupy the domes,
> cuz this Saint ain't going away, anytime soon.
> Jai Guru Dev.
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Buck" <dhamiltony2k5@> wrote:
> >
> > Yep, they could always just ask that people only practice TM in the domes 
> > and
> go from there Otherwise they will always be excluding people who could be in
> there helping with the dome numbers.
> >
> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Buck" <dhamiltony2k5@> wrote:
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "sparaig" <LEnglish5@> wrote:
> > > >
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Buck" <dhamiltony2k5@> wrote:
> > > > >
> > > > >
> > > > > The immediate urgent priority for national invincibility and world 
> > > > > peace
> > > > > is to join the Invincible America Course at MUM. Only 2000 Flyers,
> > > > > rising to 2500, in Fairfield/Maharishi Vedic City will bring security 
> > > > > to
> > > > > America and defuse the precarious escalation of conflict in the world.
> > > >
> > > > And there is a belief/concern that people who are "sitting with the
> saints" are learning new practices that they will bring with them and practice
> in the Domes instead of the official TM and TM-Sidhis program.
> > > >
> > > > Do you understand that this is what the policy is meant to address?
> > > >
> > > > L.
> > > >
> > >
> > > Yep, the Raja guideline in response in application is way too rough on on
> the numbers. You and the Rajas could also have more faith in people.
> > >
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, obbajeeba <no_reply@> wrote:
> >
> > Exactly.
> > Listen to this scenario here: A poor student learning TM in their school 
> > through the David Lynch Foundation, who may have parents or a Rich Aunt or 
> > Uncle, who may meditate another practice. Then one day, the student as a 
> > student finds out about these other techniques available and discusses them 
> > with the family members. Then maybe the student  goes and listens to chants 
> > and such, presented differently by these other places of higher knowledge, 
> > that higher knowledge being something the student had not heard of before. 
> > When the student decides to go back and take the TM-Sidhi's and is asked 
> > about seeking Saints, etc., will that student be turned down the teachings? 
> > Or, what if the student went from learning TM in the public school right to 
> > MUM and learns the TM-Sidhi's, goes on a holiday break to see relatives, 
> > finds out his relatives practice another technique or such, Saint searching 
> > the globe, does this mean when the student returns to MUM, and speaks about 
> > his gathered experiences, he/she may be turned down a dome badge? 
> > These policies have to change if TM is going to expect to reach millions of 
> > students elsewhere, because these are not far fetched scenarios. If anyone 
> > thinks it is such a rarity, than one has lived a boxed sheltered life. 
> > Maybe can't see past the foundations of tax deduction purposes. It is a 
> > truth. Buck is correct. Buck is not a renegade. 
> > 
> > Buck is calling Santa out. Santa finally notices, Rudolph's nose shines so 
> > brightly, "Won't you guide my sleigh tonight?" 
> > http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L3z1iOvXpeY
> > 
> > ALL AMERICAN CHILDREN WORSHIP A SAINT,whether they are Christian or not, 
> > because he brings lot's of gifts.
> >  These children would technically not qualify for a dome badge. Period. End 
> > of story.
> >  Saint Nicholas is my hero. I bow to St. Nicholas.
> >  Can I please have my dome badge back?
> > 
> > This is my Christmas wish and don your St. Nicholas caps and occupy the 
> > domes, cuz this Saint ain't going away, anytime soon.
> > 
> > Jai Guru Dev.
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Buck" <dhamiltony2k5@> wrote:
> > >
> > > Yep, they could always just ask that people only practice TM in the domes 
> > > and go from there  Otherwise they will always be excluding people who 
> > > could be in there helping with the dome numbers.  
> > > 
> > > 
> > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Buck" <dhamiltony2k5@> wrote:
> > > >
> > > > 
> > > > 
> > > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "sparaig" <LEnglish5@> wrote:
> > > > >
> > > > > 
> > > > > 
> > > > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Buck" <dhamiltony2k5@> wrote:
> > > > > >
> > > > > > 
> > > > > > The immediate urgent priority for national invincibility and world 
> > > > > > peace
> > > > > > is to join the Invincible America Course at MUM. Only 2000 Flyers,
> > > > > > rising to 2500, in Fairfield/Maharishi Vedic City will bring 
> > > > > > security to
> > > > > > America and defuse the precarious escalation of conflict in the 
> > > > > > world.
> > > > > 
> > > > > And there is a belief/concern that people who are "sitting with the 
> > > > > saints" are learning new practices that they will bring with them and 
> > > > > practice in the Domes instead of the official TM and TM-Sidhis 
> > > > > program.
> > > > > 
> > > > > Do you understand that this is what the policy is meant to address? 
> > > > > 
> > > > > L.
> > > > >
> > > > 
> > > > Yep, the Raja guideline in response in application is way too rough on 
> > > > on the numbers.  You and the Rajas could also have more faith in people.
> > > >
> > >
> >

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