--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend" <jstein@...> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, maskedzebra <no_reply@> wrote:
> <snip>
> > I came onto FFL because of you. Perhaps now, with this
> > definitive and negative judgment of me I am through with
> > FFL.
> So what are the rest of us, chopped liver?
> > With the fondest of memories,
> > 
> > Robin Stein
> Yikes...

RESPONSE: No, it worked this way, Judy: Rick invited me via Gina Catena to post 
at FFL. I decided to consider this proposition, but first wrote to Rick. He 
referred to both you and Curtis [as indicating what writers I might find 
interesting and impressive], but said, if I wanted to see the quality of 
Curtis's posts there was one right there that day for me to read.

So I read Curtis's post, and decided: Yes, this is for me.

In this sense, I came onto FFL because of Curtis. Not in any sense because of, 
subsequently determining (once I began posting) that my original justification 
was the end of the matter.

I soon got in contact with authfriend's posts—which Rick had also 
recommended—and later some of the rest of the FFL posters. Which is to say that 
I have greatly benefited from nearly everyone (some exceptions, of course :-) 
but even they are part of Providence and have been useful for my own 
understanding of everything), and the whole experience of posting at FFL has 
been literally (I believe) salvational.

I should not have implied, as I did imply, that Curtis's anathematizing of me 
signified that there was no point in posting again. But after having invested 
so much of myself in that five-part post, and having just got a response that I 
would never have anticipated, I took some poetic licence and made that 
sententious threat.

It is just that I have given so much (and received so much) from my dialogues 
with Curtis; and it seemed impossible that it should all come to this. I 
remembered my first impression of reading one of Curtis's posts, and how this 
drew me in. So this memory came up in the aftermath of Curtis's capital 
punishment decree, and I went with it.

I can assure you, Judy, that you, Steve, raunchydog, obbajeeba, Feste37, Jim, 
Bob Price, Paul, meruanda, Rick, Ravi, Emily—and even others—have enriched my 
life and my understanding.

So, No, I disavow what was implied in that declaration if it was taken to mean 
that I did not appreciate the wonderful other posts and posters at FFL that 
have entered into my life here in Canada.

Good point, Judy. And by the way, thanks for clearing up that matter (this goes 
way back) about the gender of the Oracle at Delphi.

The sandbox is bigger than just Curtis it seems.

Appreciate this reflection of yours, Judy.


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