--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "curtisdeltablues" <curtisdeltablues@...> 
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend" <jstein@> wrote:
> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "curtisdeltablues" 
> > <curtisdeltablues@> wrote:
> > > 
> > > After spending over an hour responding to your responses last
> > > night I was attacked by a virus which has now eaten up 3 hours
> > > of my morning.  It is a pernacious bastard that uses popups to 
> > > pretend it is an aniti virus program that you must buy.  No
> > > matter how I attack it it comes back.
> Still swinging.  The advice on the internet is also dubious
> and often incomplete but I am learning stuff I didn't think
> I would have to know. So glad I can bang out short posts on
> the ipad.

That one's a real stinker, apparently. The owner of a blog
I read got hit with it last week. Wrestled with it for
a whole weekend. Used StopZilla to get rid of it, I believe.

Do you know about this? 



I think you need to have access to a clean computer to
create the boot device necessary to use it, but it looks
like it would be a fairly quick, simple process you could
accomplish at a friend's house. See the FAQ link at right
for additional info. This has just recently been released,
I believe, and it sounds as though it's designed
specifically for evil crap like what hit you and this

The blogger's story scared me, because I use what she was
using, Microsoft Security Essentials, on my new Win7
machine, and it didn't catch the little bastard. So I did
some quick research.

One bit of advice I read: The instant the pop-up first
appears, DO NOT try to close it, but immediately hit
Ctrl-Alt-Delete to bring up Task Manager. If you kill
the process right away, it won't have time to download
and install itself. That makes sense...but how do you
know which process you need to kill?? What do you look

> > > Judy ( among all the others who have your perspective on me) 
> > > actually has the same enthusiasm to write endlessly about my
> > > lacks, taking each defense as an invitation to double down
> > > and attack in a different way to get her point across.
> > 
> > So are you saying I should refrain from pointing it out
> > when you blatantly misrepresent your relationship with me?
> > E.g., "Our only interaction is in the environment arguing
> > about something she cherishes and I mock"?
> "In the environment" is the key to my intention.

Don't understand this at all. "In the environment" as opposed

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