Vaj, will you just shut up please. You are stinking the joint up. You fuck with 
the truth. You are a liar. You corrupt yourself here on FFL. You are out of 
control. Stop it. You need a time out. Get some kind of real goal, Vaj. You are 
fouling your own nest.

--- In, Vaj <vajradhatu@...> wrote:
> On Dec 17, 2011, at 6:40 PM, maskedzebra wrote:
> > RESPONSE: Not merely learning about divine things but also experiencing 
> > them—that does not come from mere intellectual acquaintance with the terms 
> > of scientific theology, but from loving the things of God and cleaving to 
> > them by affection. Fellow-feeling comes from fondness rather than from 
> > cognizance, for things understood are in the mind in the mind's own 
> > fashion, whereas desire goes out to things as they are in themselves; love 
> > would transform us into the very condition of their being. Thus, by the 
> > settled bent of his affections, a virtuous man is well apt to judge 
> > straightway the affairs of virtue; so also the lover of divine matters 
> > divinely catches their gist.
> > 
> > Aquinas
> Gee, I would of thought I warranted more of a response than another quote 
> from Dead Catholic Theologians 101. Esp. one from a mere intellectual like 
> Aquinas? Perhaps a Desert Father for dessert next time?
> I wonder if Aquinas was a gelukpa in his next life? If so, he would have to 
> feign a more universal love - no doubt difficult for RC's...

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