Do you still enjoy molesting children, Vaj, or just animals now? You are one 
sick, perverted Buddhist. 

--- In, Vaj <vajradhatu@...> wrote:
> On Dec 17, 2011, at 7:02 PM, maskedzebra wrote:
> > RESPONSE II: Not every love has the quality of friendship. In the first 
> > place it is reserved to that love for another which wills his well-being. 
> > When what we will is not the other's good for his sake, but the desire of 
> > it as it affects us, that is not friendship, but self-regarding love and 
> > some sort of concupiscence. Neither does benevolence suffice for 
> > friendship; in addition a mutual loving is required, for friend is friend 
> > to friend. This interplay of well-wishing is founded on companionship.
> It's shown that Buddhists in higher states of consciousness meditate on 
> objectless compassion: love beyond mere objects. How sad for Aquinas' circle 
> jerk. It does sound like the perfect rationale for child molesters - how 
> clever! 
> You should send that one to Jerry Sandusky, I bet he'd find great consolation 
> in it.

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