Sorry but you need to go back and look at the Śvetāśvatara
You assertions do not agree with these ancient deity-bhakti teachings.

--- In, zarzari_786 <no_reply@...> wrote:
> The 'vedic gods' have been stated to be the origin of advaita vedanta
by some here.
> I do not believe in the origin of advaita in the Vedic gods, but
rather a recast of Yogacara Buddhism. There is not much about vedic gods
in advaita. Advaita is based on the upanishads, who again, don't deal
with ritual and gods, but with the knowledge portion of the vedas, those
hints and implications, that have nothing to do with gods.
> But talking about 'vedic gods', I believe researchers know now, that
the whole canon of gods, and hymns to them is a later synthesis, that
orignially there were simply different tribes, worshipping mainly one or
two gods (as their main deities), with a few other subdeities. Thus
there were different 'highest gods' with different tribes. Later this
was synthesized into collection of hymns, now known as the Rig Veda.
> It is commonly believed that pahao Akhenaten, was the first
monotheist, substituting the egyptian canon of deities with the single
God Aton, symbolized by the golden disc of the sun. He tried to instill
a spiritual revolution in egypt, but he failed, there was a counter
revolution later, installing the old gods again. But it is thought that
we have here the origin of the jewish christian monotheism, as it is
written in the Bible that Moses was educated in egypt. The famous 'Hymn
to Aton', the most prolific praise by Akhenaten, figures again in the
Bible as psalm 104, only that the words for Aton, or the disc of the sun
are now substituted by the words Jawhe.
> It also know that Nefertiti, Akhenaten's wife belonged to the people
of Mitanni, and that even Akhenaten's mother had Mitanni blood. The
Mitanni were people originating in India, who had Surya, the Sun god as
their major object of worship. In fact certain lines in one of Rig vedas
hymns to Surya, are almost identical to the Hymn to Aton, and psalm 104.
You can read the whole story in this PDF
> Conclusion: Anybody trying to construct a major antagonism between the
Christian/Jewish God, and so-called 'Vedic gods' is doomed for failure,
as there is no such thing as a uniformity of vedic gods, and at least
one of these vedic gods, so it seems is at the origin of
christian/jewish monotheism. Characteristics of other prominent gods,
like Mitra/varuna had definite cultural impact on the mesopotanean area,
and have thus indirectly influenced the whole theology of the Bible. I'
am not going any further from here, as everybody knows that the whole
christian religion is a mishmash of roman and greek religious ideas,
which have very little resemblence in the bible otherwise.
> Greetings from Santa to everybody!

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