> > In Yahoo English that's Svetashvatara Upanishad.
> >
> Oh yeah: shvetaashvataropaniSat (the upanishad of 
> the white [shveta] mule [ashvatara]?)
Yes. Sitting near a white mule at a yoga camp.

According to Chandrahar Sharma Adwaitia Vedanta is
essentially re-statements of Vinjnanavada Buddhism - 
the school of 'Consciousness-only' founded by Arya 
Asanga and the Vasubandhu brothers - Yogacara.

Excerpt from 'vijnApti matratA siddhi' by vasAabAndhu:

"Pure consciousness is the only Reality. By its nature, 
it is Self-luminous." (XIII, 13). "Thus shaking off 
duality, he directly perceives the Absolute which is 
the unity underlying phenomena (dharmadAtu)." (VI, 7 
Sharma, p. 112-113). 

Read more:

Subject: gauDapAdIya on the phenomenology of consciousness.
Author: Willytex
Newsgroups: alt.meditation.transcendental
Date: Dec 17, 2002

Work cited:

'A Critical Survey of Indian Philosophy' 
by Chandrahar Sharma, M.A., D. Phil., D. Litt., LL.B., 
Shastri, Dept. of Phil., 
Benares Hindu U. 
Rider, 1960 
vimshAtika-Vrtti on kArikA 1, p. 114.

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