"I'm trying to do you a favor and NOT treat you as
being as naive as you're coming across. I'm trying
to suggest that you are being baffled by bullshit
and being taken in by long-term bullshitters, and 
that you don't realize it. Many of us who have been 
wading through that bullshit for years now do realize
it. You have much to learn." 

I hear you and no, I don't have the history, and yes, I am baffled and yes, I 
am naive and yes, will watch.  But, speaking as an individual, and with only 
two examples in hand (Ravi and you - ha, in the same sentence), I don't 
understand why the conversation can't be had without crossing the consensual 
line for sexual acts described between forum members.  This is clearly my 
gender talking and words are only words after all and I don't believe in 
censorship and I think the forum weighs in and that works for me, actually.  
After all, I said my piece and I am not completely blameless either.  And, I'm 
not proposing a "ban"; I was proposing a week off to spur personal thought on 
whether there might be a way to communicate one's position differently.    It 
just seems that the forum is struggling to some degree with where the line 
should be, so I put in my two cents on where that line might be, if one chooses 
to draw one.  I don't need a line, actually

 From: turquoiseb <no_re...@yahoogroups.com>
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Thursday, January 5, 2012 9:33 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: New Rule? Was (Happy new year to everyone !!! (And 
more love bombing..)

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Emily Reyn <emilymae.reyn@...> wrote:
> If this forum wants to set a new rule...perhaps that 
> should be "Using words or pictures to indicate a direct 
> sexual act between two forum members without their stated 
> consent is not allowed and will result in dismissal for 
> a week's time."

You realize, do you not, that your proposed "rule"
would have banned Jim, Judy, Ravi, Nabby, and many
other posters on this forum whose bullshit you are
buying into? Literally all of them have suggested
that one or more of the people on their Enemies List 
are gay. 

Being charitable, you really haven't been here long 
enough to have figured many things out. For example,
that the person you're replying to is a troll whose
only intent here is to stir up trouble. Or that there 
is simply no possibility of Rick ever allowing such 
a dumbass rule to ever be implemented. 

My honest advice is to step back from the action for
a while and just WATCH. Especially starting Friday
evening and this coming weekend, when many of the 
people who posted out early this week by melting 
down and going manic will be back. You'll have about
a two-day window in which to watch them melt down
and go manic again, before they post out again.

WATCH to see whether they hit the ground running 
attacking others here, probably more severely than
any others have attacked them. When they do (not if), 
try to notice whether the people they DO attack happen 
to coincide with the "Enemies List" that Ravi recently 
posted. Next, try to figure out what the people on 
that Enemies List have in common.

I'll help you out with the last one. They are either
outspoken critics of TM, the TMO, and Maharishi, OR
they are other posters who have dared to agree with
people they designated as the "troika" (Vaj, Curtis,
and myself) on the Enemies List. Or who even admitted
to liking their posts.

I'm trying to do you a favor and NOT treat you as
being as naive as you're coming across. I'm trying
to suggest that you are being baffled by bullshit
and being taken in by long-term bullshitters, and 
that you don't realize it. Many of us who have been 
wading through that bullshit for years now do realize
it. You have much to learn. 

Just wait until YOU side with one of the people on 
the Enemies List. Watch what happens to you then. Ask
a poster by the name of do.rflex about this. He'll tell
you what happens to someone whom Judy has come to view
as a "traitor" to the vendetta she claims not to be

Besides, lighten up. What you've been reading are all
attempts at humor, dark though it may occasionally be. 
No one on this forum -- and quite possibly no one on 
this planet -- would ever willingly have sex with Judy 
Stein. So any suggestions to the contrary are fiction, 
and should be treated as such.

> ________________________________
>  From: richardatrwilliamsdotus <richard@...>
> To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
> Sent: Thursday, January 5, 2012 7:36 AM
> Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Happy new year to everyone !!! (And more love 
> bombing..)
> > > You're all getting really close to
> > > being in big trouble with Judy and 
> > > Emily and Raunchy.
> > >
> zarzari:
> > I don't mind trouble with Judy. I am 
> > done with her...
> >
> She may not be done with you. Where I
> come from, silence usually indicates 
> agreement.
> > She should learn to control her anger 
> > before she makes spiritual discussions.
> >
> So, I wonder where are the FFL Moderators?
> FFL Guidelines File - Updated 6/13/09:
> 8) Posting of "adult" material, either 
> text or photos, or links to such materials, 
> is prohibited. Violation of this guideline 
> may result in expulsion from the group.
> > > > Just reintroducing the concept of reality to
> > > > all of this fantasizing that's been going on.
> > > > In his head the Ravster seems to believe he's
> > > > a real rock star, but in reality his biggest
> > > > groupie probably has to remove her false teeth 
> > > > before giving him a blowjob.  :-)


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