--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Emily Reyn <emilymae.reyn@...> wrote:
> <snip>
> "I'm trying to do you a favor and NOT treat you as
> being as naive as you're coming across. I'm trying
> to suggest that you are being baffled by bullshit
> and being taken in by long-term bullshitters, andĀ 
> that you don't realize it. Many of us who have beenĀ 
> wading through that bullshit for years now do realize
> it. You have much to learn."
> I hear you and no, I don't have the history, and yes, I 
> am baffled and yes, I am naive and yes, will watch. But, 
> speaking as an individual, and with only two examples 
> in hand (Ravi and you - ha, in the same sentence), I 
> don't understand why the conversation can't be had 
> without crossing the consensual line for sexual acts 
> described between forum members. This is clearly my 
> gender talking and words are only words after all and 
> I don't believe in censorship and I think the forum 
> weighs in and that works for me, actually. After all, 
> I said my piece and I am not completely blameless 
> either. And, I'm not proposing a "ban"; I was proposing 
> a week off to spur personal thought on whether there 
> might be a way to communicate one's position differently. 

Might I suggest you pay attention to who just chose
to bail next week rather than even *try* to control 
himself, now that I suggested you watch more closely?

Might I further suggest that this person has claimed
to be *enlightened*? As has Ravi, and as has MZ, 
although he now claims to have "gotten over it." :-)

Just WATCH. 

Try not to allow yourself to be swayed by pretty words,
claiming innocence or pure intent. Look at the *intent*
of those posting. If they are trying to *sell you some-
thing*, meaning that they seem to have a vested interest
in you believing *their* view of things rather than those
of others, I'd consider that a big red flag if I were you.

I'm not selling you anything. I'm just suggesting that
you WATCH more closely, and make up your own mind. Once
you have, I'm also not suggesting that you DO anything
in particular. WATCH for that, too. If they're asking
you do DO something, you're being sold something, and
recruited as part of something.

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