--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "seventhray1" <steve.sundur@...> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "raunchydog" <raunchydog@>
> wrote:
> > O.K. then. Show us one post where Judy has ever pointed out an
> unintended irony, a lie or a wiggle from owning up to an error because
> and only because the person she confronted is a TM critic. Bet you a
> buck you can't and I'll bet you another buck Judy would be the first to
> dig up such a post if it existed.
> >
> Raunch,
> If I had the time, I bet I could show you  plenty of instances where
> something is parsed to the point where it becomes nonsensical.  You can
> always find a way to have a "technical" win, at the expense of common
> sense.
> Have you ever observed anything along these lines?

Steve, the point is that Barry routinely claims Judy comes after him because he 
is a TM critic, which is simply not true. This is the facade he hides behind so 
he never has to confront the specific issues she raises. zarzari_786 buys into 
Barry's claim and makes the false assumption that Judy criticizes Barry because 
he is a TM critic. Good Lord, haven't you noticed there's plenty to criticize 
about Barry's posts, usually loaded with unintended irony, quite apart from the 
fact that he happens to be a TM critic? The issue you raise about parsing and a 
technical win at the expense of common sense has nothing to do with my 
challenge to zarzari_786 for putting his foot in his mouth. If you want to keep 
digging yourself a hole on this one, you can take it up with Judy.

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