> awoelflebater:
> > I have to admit the whole thing is pretty fascinating 
> > and I'd be happy to give you a better description but 
> > maybe you could tell me about yourself.
> > 
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "richardatrwilliamsdotus" <richard@...> 
> wrote:
> From what I've read, "Robin Woodsworth Carlsen is the 
> first alleged enlightened being of the TM movement." 
> Some people think that Robin went insane after a blast 
> of 'kundalini' energy almost unhinged him. No doubt it 
> was a very powerful experience, but Robin's writings on 
> FFL don't seem to be the work of a crazy person.
> Excerpt:
> "Carlsen was to return to Switzerland one more time for 
> yet another course before his final dissolution into Unity 
> Consciousness, and to sit at the feet of his master, the 
> Maharishi Mahesh Yogi. While Carlsen's autobiographical 
> work From Ignorance to Enlightenment covers the outline of 
> this final course, it does not go into the details of his 
> actual enlightenment..."

Willy, UC is too deep an experience to be a 'deception' as 
Robin later claims.

I don't think Robin was ever in UC.

> Work cited:
> 'The Sunnyside Drama: The First Three Years of 
> Enlightenment' 
> By Robin Woodsworth Carlsen
> Snow Man Press, 1979 
> Other titles of interest:
> 'On First Meeting Werner Erhard and Est: A Memoir of 
> Deliberate Affirmation' 
> By Robin Woodsworth Carlsen 
> Snow Man Press, 1980

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