It's all true, the only problem is, NOBODY HAS EVER EXPERIENCED IT! The Devil 
is in the details, are we to believe that we actually transcend THAT (or the GC 
level) to the pure absolute transcendent and still can't recollect all of the 
supernal bliss MMY describes?  Unlikely!, it takes TIME, many, many years and 
lifetimes of dedication to achieve this highest state of human evolution.

MMY liked to put lipstick on a pig when it came to this subject (time), he 
didn't want to discourage anybody and yet, TM is still eminently useful.

At least Charlie Lutes didn't beat around the bush, he said it would take more 
likely around 7 lifetimes.

Believe me, if you haven't experienced supernal bliss during TM, YOU HAVEN'T 
TRANSCENDED! How can you expect to experience direct pure consciousness (UC, or 
Brahman) without FIRST experiencing GC? (or even the experience of CC?). It's 
absurd, the bubble diagram has always been taken way out of context, it's 
merely a teaching tool, nobody transcends to pure consciousness in a few months 
or years of TM, you may have glimpses (tip toeing through the sleeping 
elephants), that is all, sorry.

MMY was great at hyperbole!

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