--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Rick Archer" <rick@...> wrote:
> From: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com [mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com]
> On Behalf Of wgm4u
> Sent: Wednesday, March 21, 2012 3:36 PM
> To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
> Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: MMY: "developing GC", 1968
> It's all true, the only problem is, NOBODY HAS EVER EXPERIENCED IT! The
> Devil is in the details, are we to believe that we actually transcend THAT
> (or the GC level) to the pure absolute transcendent and still can't
> recollect all of the supernal bliss MMY describes? Unlikely!, it takes TIME,
> many, many years and lifetimes of dedication to achieve this highest state
> of human evolution.
> MMY liked to put lipstick on a pig when it came to this subject (time), he
> didn't want to discourage anybody and yet, TM is still eminently useful.
> At least Charlie Lutes didn't beat around the bush, he said it would take
> more likely around 7 lifetimes.
> Believe me, if you haven't experienced supernal bliss during TM, YOU HAVEN'T
> TRANSCENDED! How can you expect to experience direct pure consciousness (UC,
> or Brahman) without FIRST experiencing GC? (or even the experience of CC?).
> It's absurd, the bubble diagram has always been taken way out of context,
> it's merely a teaching tool, nobody transcends to pure consciousness in a
> few months or years of TM, you may have glimpses (tip toeing through the
> sleeping elephants), that is all, sorry.
> MMY was great at hyperbole!
> I know people who've experienced all this and more.

Swami Beyondananda? Guru Devs come along once in a lifetime, come on Rick! 
Charlie used to say there would be NO mass exodus from the wheel of Samsara 
(Reincarnation) but that we would exit the 'well' one at a time! I believe he 
was telling the truth, and he wasn't selling anything.

I firmly do not believe even ONE Raja is enlightened, sorry.

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