--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Emily Reyn <emilymae.reyn@...> wrote:
> Barry, you fit your subject line well. 
> Personally, I was happy that the photo got deleted...it was 
> horrific. I find self-immolation tragic and disturbing on 
> many levels. I closed it before I even got to the *why* 
> Nabby posted it and I thought his decision to delete it 
> was an honorable thing to do.

Don't be a drama queen yourself, Emily. This photo, 
as was pointed out in the discussion that followed
its posting here, has appeared on most news sites 
and portals in the world in the last few days. I
must have seen it on 20 different Internet sites
before Nabby posted it here. If you didn't, you must 
be living in a world of sheltered denial.

The whole *point* is WHY Nabby posted it.

He didn't give a shit about the Tibetan who felt so
strongly about his countrymen being killed and tortured
by the Chinese that he took this desperate measure to
bring it to the world's attention. The only thing he
cared about was that to him it seemed to present him
with an opportunity to bash Barry and Vaj and others
on this forum who he perceived to be Buddhists.

Nabby posting this photo is all about him still being
pissed off about having to admit that he's never been
able to stop his thoughts in meditation at will in 
his life, and will never be able to do so. He's had his 
panties in a twist ever since I posted my tiny troll,
buried (at the time) in a larger post about other

I honestly don't think he even considered it "bashing
Buddhism" or "bashing Buddhists." He was thinking 
*exactly* the same way Judy does, "Heh...this photo
gives me a way to 'get' Barry, and hopefully push his
buttons the way he pushed mine."

So don't be either a pussy (about a photo you arguably
should have run into long before he posted it) or a 
pushover for the distractions that Judy is trying to 
throw your way. Nabby's post wasn't offensive because 
of the content (which was freely available elsewhere), 
or even because he used it to put down 350 million 
Buddhists. It was offensive because he's so fuckin'
out of it that he feels it's his RIGHT to post a 
photo and an insinuation like the one he posted if
it helps him to "get Barry." Judy feels exactly the
same way. As she recently stated, she feels that his
over 500 putdowns of Buddhists and Buddhism are 
merely "jocular," and that *they don't go far enough*.
According to Judy, Vaj and I "deserve" much more
bashing than this. 

It's not about the photo. It's about the level of
vindictive craziness that feels that doing this 
is acceptable, or even sane.

> ________________________________
>  From: turquoiseb <no_re...@yahoogroups.com>
> To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
> Sent: Thursday, March 29, 2012 7:59 AM
> Subject: [FairfieldLife] Fat, old drama queens and their double standards
> Seems to me that if Judy Stein were as "fair and balanced"
> as she claims to be on this forum, she would be able to
> produce at least one post (other than the recent one, which
> can arguably be attributed to Curtis shaming her into making
> it) in which she criticized either Nabby or Jim for their
> religion-bashing. 
> Nabby has made over 500 posts bashing either "Buddhists,"
> "Buddhism," "Tibet," "Tibetans," or the "Dalai Lama" (or, 
> as he prefers to spell it, the "Dolly Lama") over the
> years at FFL. 
> Jim Flanegin made over 200 posts bashing the same subjects.
> Surely, given her oh-so-evolved sensibilities about "fairness,"
> she can come up with a few posts she's made suggesting that
> this might be a "little off." 
> If she'd commented on even 1% of them, that would be seven
> posts that she'd be able to find and repost here, wouldn't
> it? IF, that is, any such posts were ever made. 
> I think we all know that none ever were. 
> Could this be because Nabby's posts are "mostly jocular 
> Buddhist-bashing aimed at Barry and Vaj?" Or because 
> Barry and Vaj are "the most vicious, intemperate, and 
> dishonest bashers of TMers on the forum" and in Judy's
> view (as she just stated) Nabby's posts don't really 
> give them the "bashing they truly deserve?" ( Perhaps
> Judy would like to give us that bashing herself. I for
> one would like to read it. :-)
> Or could it be that Nabby's "jocular" posts, such as
> the recent one, are merely "poking fun" at Vaj, I, and
> 350 million Buddhists in the world, whereas our posts 
> about TM and TMers are "vicious attacks and insults?"
> Does anyone detect a double standard here?
> Perhaps, since she will be unable to find any posts
> in which she has criticized Nabby or Jim for any of
> their "jocular" posts ragging on Buddhism and Tibet,
> she could find a few posts of mine and Vaj's that
> she feels are "vicious attacks" and repost them. I 
> look forward to seeing them, because I suspect they'll 
> be of the same ilk as the "death threat" she claims 
> was made against her here on Fairfield Life. That is,
> pure vindictive drama queenery. :-)

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