> Too bad some folks have so little tolerance 
> for others opinions...
Marriage between a man and a woman has its origins 
in the objective reality of reasonable human 
nature. Our reason informs us that man and woman 
are meant for each other physically and socially. 

Only the union of man and woman can produce 
offspring, a new life into the world. This cannot 
be altered anymore than gravity and the fact that 
everything falls down. 

Same-sex notions are just an emotional appeal and 
lacks almost any intellectual heft. Folks that 
want to be together deserve dignity and respect, 
but they do not have the right to redefine 
marriage for the rest of us.

If marriage is not limited to one man and one 
woman, then how does the state, as a matter of 
human reason and equal rights, exclude polygamy, 
polyandry, and the marriage of children to adults? 

If you admit that marriage need not be limited to 
a man and a woman, then why shouldn't any 
combination a lawful marriage? If ten consenting 
women want to marry one man, then why not? If five 
consenting men want to marry three consenting women 
then why not? 

It just doesn't make any sense.

Once marriage loses its special status, the burden 
is on the state to define and articulate why other 
forms of marriage ought to be invalid.

And there is the notion that same-sex marriage 
violates faith to "be friutful and multiply" and 
"leave your parents and cling to your wife and 
become one". 

And, same-sex marriage is counter to faith simply 
because it does not conform to the species 
reproducing which is natural law. Passing laws to 
redefine marriage is a denial of essence, a denial 
of the objective truth of nature, and instead 
embraces a subjective reality that can become law 
based on the arbitrary satisfaction of the current 
cultural conscience - a simple byproduct of our. 

Just because our leader has "progressed" in his 
thinking doesn't show wisdom - it shows weakness, 
as if Obama just wants to remain relevant and get 
his name in the newspaper in order to win an 
election. His guru already said Obama is just a
politician, not a real spiritual leader.

But, in the final analysis, why is the government 
even in the business of human love certification? 

If it's not for the rights of survivors, for 
there are no survivors, then what is it for? There 
is only one type of love that produces offspring.

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