--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "seekliberation" <seekliberation@...> 
> If homosexuality is a choice, then that means heterosexuality 
> is too.  And if the choice is available, you can't really get 
> too angry at people for choosing one or the other.  

Excellent. Well said.

> OTOH, the fact that this is even a discussion, in the midst 
> of all the violence in the world, rapes, kidnapping of young 
> children and human trafficking, I find it very difficult to 
> understand people who are so vehemently against homosexuality. 

As do I. It simply does not compute. Perhaps this has
something to do with being raised in a household in
which I can't remember the subject of homosexuality
ever coming up. My mother was a pianist, and one of 
her favorite pianists was Liberace, but my bet is that
she went to her grave not realizing that he was gay.
That said, it wouldn't have mattered to her (born
and raised in Mississippi) if he was. I was lucky to
avoid generations of passed-down prejudice by not 
being exposed to it until I hit high school. 
> Does anyone have any statistics on the percentage of violent 
> crimes committed by homosexuals? I'd imagine it's pretty 
> damn low.  

I don't know, but I lived in Sitges, Spain for a 
couple of years. Sitges is a lovely town by the sea,
but it's also famous for being one of the gay meccas
of Europe. At many times of the year, the percentage of
residents who are gay exceeds 40%. And the crime rate
there, compared to the rest of Spain, was remarkably
low. This is unusual in a party town on the Mediter-
ranean, one in which drunken-tourist-on-drunken-
tourist crime constitutes a big percentage of the

It provided for me -- for the time I lived there --
an environment strangely like the one I grew up in.
That is, whether one was gay or straight was not only
not a common topic of conversation, it was rarely even
a topic of interest. It was just a nice town full of
individual human beings. Some of them partnered up 
with people of the different sex, some partnered up
with people of the same sex, a few did both, and 
nobody much cared one way or another. I found it a 
remarkably evolved attitude.

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